*chapter thirty-five*

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“You look a mess” L.P laughed as she opened the door to her apartment. 

She was dressed in lace leggings and a ‘The Kill’s tour t-shirt. It was incredible just how similar her music taste was to Michaels. It was as if they were twins. Okay, no that was not a good thought. L.P is most definitely not Michael’s twin especially after what they did last night.

“Well thanks Laurel-Phoenix” I chuckled calling her my her full name to annoy her.

This was the first time I had been to her place. It was astonishingly immaculately clean. Whether that was because she had spent the most of last few weeks at Mikey’s I can’t judge. 

I followed her through to the living room which was modernly decorated. White walls and black leather sofa’s. The walls were clad with rock memorabilia and a vintage guitar which she told me was her Grand-fathers in the 1950’s. It was pretty cool.

On the coffee table was two glasses of orange juice. I was thankful to be drinking something other than coffee, which I seemed to be living off of at the moment. I placed my phone on the table too and than crossed my legs on the sofa.

“So are you gonna tell me what happened with Ash or do I need to ask?” L.P pressed as she downed her juice in one gulp.

Her eyes grew bigger as I thought back to the morning I had spent with him. Luke had left me a few texts though I had not replied yet. It was only 11:30am though. 

“It was sweet. He took me watch the sunrise over Sydney Harbour. It was such a sight, like amazingly pretty. Then we went to get some breakfast. We just talked really” I smiled thinking of the sunrise. 

Like her eyes, L.P’s mouth was wide open. She was seriously excited about my morning. Not entirely sure why considering she has only known the boy five minutes.

“And…do you like him still?” She asked 

Oh god, I hadn’t really thought about it. I guess of course I still liked him. You can’t really through nine months of feelings away over three weeks. It’s like Vicky says, to get over someone you have to get under someone…*Luke*…

“I think I'm always going to have some feelings for him. He was like my first real love. But the things he did. They are unforgivable” I insisted drinking some of my orange juice.

Speak of the devil, my phone started vibrating telling me I had a message. My eyes flicked towards the phone and it seemed so did L.P’s.

“Is it Ashton!? What does it say?” She burst 

“‘Hey, this morning was nice. When can I see you again? Fancy finding Nemo’ followed by a winkky face. How god, I hope he doesn't mean…’find nemo’ as in…find his…you know penis?” I deduced feeling a little bit sick, but laughing at the same time.

L.P spat out into fits of laughter nearly choking on her refilled glass of orange juice. I definitely over thought that text. Ashton was referring to my list. I hope.

“Enough about me and Ash, what about you and Mikey…finally did the no pants dance” I said wiggling my eyebrows.

L.P had without a doubt got laid last night. There was no way someone could be so happy at 11.30am. I hadn't seen her this happy ever. I was also incredibly proud of Michael for pulling it out the bag. I was beginning to think they would never bang.

“Yes. Yes. Yes we did. He was UH-MAZING like literally mind blowing. I really like him” She enthusiastically announced.

She declared her message so loud that i’m pretty sure her neighbours would have heard it. The smile was still face wide and I knew it would be all day. 

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