Chapter 7

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Maggie's POV

Hi I'm Maggie. I'm fifteen years old and most people describe me as emo and maybe I am or maybe I'm just misunderstood.

My friends and I were sitting on the lawn at school just chilling until Tony spoke.

"Hey Maggie. I have a proposition for you." "Ha! Can you even spell proposition?" May asked.

"Shut up!" Tony threw one of his french fries at her.

"As I was saying, I bet you fifty dollars that you can't get the loud girl, um.." "Luan?" I asked. "Yeah. To fall for you," he finished.

"What if she's not gay?" I asked. "Scared?" Tony smirked.

"Oohh," the others made a big deal out of it. "Alright make it a hundred and you got yourself a deal," I crossed my arms.

He thought about it for a few seconds before agreeing. "Alright. Deal," We shook hands.

Luan's POV

The four of us decided to have lunch under our tree today. Giggles and I were walking and talking about the boy she likes.

"Really why him though?" I asked her. "Because he is perfect," she emphasised on perfect.

"Well he is in Luna's band so I could talk to her about him if you want."

She squealed and almost tackled me to the ground with hugs. "You would! Oh thank you. Thank you."

We spread out a blanket and laid down on it.

"So what about you? Any boy you like?" She asked. I shook my head.

"Oh come on Luan. We're in the eighth grade. There must be someone," Giggles said.

"Someone for what?" Phoebe asked, walking with Tina.

"Someone that Luan likes. She says no one but I know for a fact that's not true," Giggles bit a cookie.

"I'm with Giggles," Tina joined in. "Me too," Phoebe agreed, and they all started teasing me.

"Whatever. I'm going to the bathroom," I got up and brushed the crumbs off myself.

"You can't hide from it!" Phoebe yelled after me. "I can try!" I yelled back.

On my way to the bathroom, I was tripped again and I hit my head on the wall.

I felt the wound from yesterday, realizing that it was bleeding.

I went into the bathroom to fix my wound.

"Wow that looks pretty nasty," an emo loooking girl walked in. "It's fine," I winced slightly at the comtact of the paper towel and my cut.

"Liar," she said. I raised an eyebrow. "I know it hurts." "Here let me," she walked over to me, took the paper towel from me and started dabbing at my wound. It hardly hurt. I wonder how she knows what to do.

"My mom's a nurse. In case you're wondering," she answered my unasked question.

When she was finished, she fixed my bandage. The  bell rang. She was walking out, then she stopped and turned to me. "I'm Maggie by the way."

"And I'm..." "Luan. I know who you are," she finished.

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