Chapter 51

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~ 2 Months Later~

Third Person's POV

"We need to help to help her. She's just been sitting in her room like a rock for two months!" Lynn whispered harshly.

"Lynn we get that but what are we going to do about it?" Lisa lisped.

"I'm going to talk to her now," Lori said.

"Luna?" Lori knocked on the door. "Come in," Luna said, barely above a whisper.

"Luna you need to leave the house. You're getting even paler than Lucy."

"I'm fine. I got my axe and my pic of Luan," she chuckled sadly.

"Oh Luna. I know you're hurting." Lori walked over to her younger sibling and gave her a hug.

"But this isn't healthy. Look Luan's gone and we're all sad. But you need to..."

"Sad? You're all sad? Well if you are, you have a funny way of showing it," Luna got up and leaned against the wall.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. I'm sorry. I just miss her that's all. Her smile. Her jokes and her pranks."

"I know and that's what I'm trying to tell you. She's gone and you need to move on."

"Move on dude? How can I move on? I still don't even know why she did what she did. And everyday, I feel guilty because there's no justice if we don't know what happened," Luna said.

"Yeah but we can't change the past and Luan wouldn't want you to blame yourself. She'd want you to move on. I mean she said it herself. It's all in the letter."

Luna pulled Lori into a hug. "Thanks sis. I needed that." "Your welcome."

After talking with Lori, Luna asked her for a ride to the cemetery.

Luna walked through the millions of graves until she found the right one.

She took a seat on Luan's grave.

"Hey dude. How are you? I hope life up there's treating you better than it is me.

It's real lonely for me in the room. Lori suggested I get out, since I haven't left the room since your funeral.

It's really gonna be quiet when April Fools comes around since you celebrated it like it was your birthday every year.

I talked to Sam since the letter and turns out Sam's into me too."
Luna flashed a smile.

"Why'd you have to go and off yourself brah? Life was much better when you were here.

But I guess if that's what you wanted. Then by all means you got it. You know Luan, I might not always understand why you do the things you do but whatever makes you happy.

Well it's getting pretty late. Just know that I love you." Luna placed the bouquet of flowers on Luan's grave.

Luna went home and prepared for bed. "Luna. Luna." Luna heard her name being called with the wind.

"Is that. No it can't be. You're just tired Lunes," she told herself and settled back into bed.

A cold gust of wind came in, making her shiver. She got out of bed and shut the window.

When she turned around, there was a figure concealed in the dark.

"Hello?" She called.

"Hi ya! I'm back!"



How was that for an ending?

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