Chapter 24

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Third Person's POV

Luan's happiness was short-lived when her alarm clock read 6:45am. The weekend was great. She had a party, pulled a few harmless pranks on Sunday and just enjoyed time with her family.

But today she had to go back to school and face her bullies and that was something she was not looking forward to.

Nonetheless, she put a smile on her face and looked in the mirror and said, "maybe today'll be different."

Luan removed her pj's and slipped on her bathrobe, and joined the line for the bathroom.

After thirty minutes of waiting, it was Luan's turn to use the bathroom. She entered the bathroom and closed it. She stripped down her robe and stared at her body in the mirror.

She had definitely gotten skinnier and Luan was already skinny to begin with.

Sighing, she stepped into the shower and allowed the hot water to flow down her body.

Tears streamed down her face, while she thought about her past occurences with Mal and Tessa.

She slid down the walls of the shower and the water completely soaked her from head to toe.

She felt the urge to cut at this moment. But she didn't have her razor. She looked up on the basin and saw another one of Lori's razor. Luan stretched her hand and pulled the razor into the shower with her.

She removed the blade and drew a neat line into her left wrist and repeated the process with the right.

She tried to keep her sobs silent, as to not worry her parents or her siblings. Luan felt like she was drowning but that no one could hear her.

Knock! Knock! "Luan open the door I need to get ready!"Lincoln called out.

Luan had forgotten that Lincoln was the last sibling to join the line.

"Just a sec!" She called through the shower. She rinsed off all the blood off her razor and off her wrists. She wrapped her wrists and slipped on a robe to cover up her cuts.

"Finally!" Lincoln exclaimed, when Luan left the bathroom. But he stopped when he noticed Luan's red eyes.

"Have you been crying?" He touched her arm. "No. Just got some soap in my eyes that's all," she smiled a convincing smile.

Lincoln felt skeptical about her answer but didn't press on.

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