Chapter 20

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Luan's POV

"Yow! Alright how's that?" I heard Luna asking someone.

"I love the ending and the first part but maybe for the middle you should use higher chord like this," A girl with a british accent said.

She started strumming on her guitar, demonstrating a higher chord.

I opened my eyes, but quickly shut them as they weren't used to the bright light.

Groaning slightly, I managed to sit up in the bed and opened my eyes again, this time them not being affected by the light.

"Rough night love?" The british girl asked again.

I nodded, taking the time to absorb her features. Her dark hair rested just on her shoulders managing to be the exact shade of her dress and her eyes. Her tattoos were quite imaginative. They were all of different things. A dragon, snake, a love symbol and others just looked random to me.

"See something you like?" She glanced up at my blushing face.

"Your tattoos," I responded confidently. Strange. I never would've, normally not in a situation like this.

"Well thanks. And I'm Tawny. But everybody calls me TT," she held out her hand for me to shake it and I did.

"How you feeling there sis?" Luna finally said her first sentence to me since morning.

"Like hell," I groaned, dropping back on to my bed. "Well that my love, is the definition of a hangover," TT said.

"Well that will be the last because I will never drink again."

"Oh and one more thing," Luna shredded her guitar.

"Oww!"I held my head, wallowing in pain.

"That's for coming in a wreck last night and leaving me to deal with it," she said.

"Well Luna I gotta get home now. It's almost midday and I promised mum I would watch my little cousin. Bye younger Loud," TT waved to me and I waved back.

'Almost midday! Then how long was I asleep?' I wondered.

I'll walk you out," Luna said. She stepped out of the room with her friend and let the door slam.

"Luna!" I yelled at her. I could hear her laughing on the other side of the door.

Luna came back in the room and I thought it was to torture me, but to my surprise, she had two aspirins and a glass of cold water.

"This will help you. Trust me I know," she handed them to me.

I swallowed the aspirin with the water and lied down. "Luna thanks for taking care of me earlier this morning and right now. And also for being my only sibling who doesn't hate me."

"Aww. No problem dude and of course I'll take care of you. You're my younger sibling and I love you," she hugged me.

"I love you too."

Luna left the room, giving me sometime to rest.

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