Chapter 48

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You're the smart one in the family. The mad scientist. I'm really sorry for stealing your chemicals for the use of prank playing and for another use. I have you to thank for my position now. (Lisa furrowed her eyebrows at the statement) I know you won't cry and you probably won't miss me much, since you did always say that I played too much. But that's okay. I still love you with your all your imperfections because hey, nobody's perfect. I wish you all the best with your dream of being a doctor or a scientist. I know you will grow up to do great things someday. Sorry I'll miss out on that but that shouldn't stop you. Nothing should. Nothing will.

When Lisa finished reading her part of the note, she couldn't help but feel like Luan thought she hated her. That made her sad deep down, and what does she mean by ' I have you to thank for my position now.'

She looked at her weeping mother. "There's something for Lily and for you two."

Lynn Sr took the note and read.


Hi baby. I hope mom and dad will remember to give this to you when you're old enough to understand. This is your big sister Luan. You might remember the moments we shared or you may not. Anyhow, I want say that I'm really sorry, that I won't get to see you grow up. Will you be a combination of each of the ten of us, or will you be completely different? Afterall, you are your own person. The moments we spent together made me so happy but since lately, they just weren't enough. I'm sorry if this makes you sad and I understand if you will hate me but just know that I love you.

Mom and Dad-

Thank you guys so much for bringing me into this world, this family.
I might not always show it or say it, but I do love you guys. The two of you always give me advice and provide for me in the best ways possible. Dad thank you for all those meals you've been cooking for those fourteen years. Mom, thanks for taking care of me, for loving me. If I was ever a burden, I apologise. I didn't mean to be. That was just me. ("Oh Luan you were never a burden," Rita sobbed out.)
I love you guys. You were the best parents ever.

In closing, I want to say, thank you guys for loving me, the twelve of you. Thanks for the laughs, the smiles, even our fights, because the make up was that much sweeter. If I failed any of you, I'm sorry. But don't feel bad. This was my doing, and I don't want anyone feeling even remotely responsible. You should all be happy for me anyways, because at least now I'm finally at rest. I found my eternal peace.

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