Chapter 47

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Hey Linc. I know you're probably relieved to have  peace and quiet from my jokes and my pranks. But even if you never got my jokes, I loved you for being my assistant. I admire how you can just be yourself and not give a damn what anybody else thinks. You're comfortable in your own skin and although I never told you, but that was my favourite thing about you. I love how you are always so strategic and you go to heights and depths unknown, to achieve your goal. I don't know what your life long dream is, but I know you won't let any obstacle get in your way. I hope the best for you and I love you.

Lincoln took a minute to re-read the letter, then handed it to Lucy.


Hey Luce. It's your big sister. I hope you and Silas are happy together. (Lucy formed a small smile) I want you to be comfortable in your own skin. You're beautiful and it's time you start seeing that. So what if your skin's a little paler than most person's and you like the dark and all things spooky? That just makes you unique not a freak. And anyone who thinks differently, is stupid. You are an amazing girl and even though you might not see that now, maybe in a few years you will. I only have one piece of advice for you, and that is to smile more because you will bring people more joy with your smile. And Luce, maybe don't scare everyone so much. Remember that I love you.

A single tear rolled down Lucy's face as Lola took the paper from her.


Lola. What to say? Well you definitely show the negative sides of yourself before the positive and that isn't really a good thing. But even though occasionally you have to dig and dig to find that heart of gold, you always find it because it's always there. (That part made Lola beam) I don't know what you'll become in life, whether a pageant queen or a model, but whatever it is, I'm sure you'll be the best because you're Lola Loud and you don't settle for anything less than first place. I love that you say what you mean and don't care. You're brutally honest and no matter what anyone says, you remain the same and I wouldn't want it any other way. I love you Junior Miss Royal Woods.


Daring, muddy, fun, pet-loving Lana. The way you're passionate about animals is what I love most about you. You don't view them as just creatures that run through the wild, you see them as living things too with feelings and emotion. You see them as family. You love all things messy and you take the time out to appreciate nature and all it contains. In fact, it was you who gave me the idea of amping up my pranks because of how much of a risk taker you are. It doesn't matter if you're not girly. It's not because there's something wrong with you, but because that's the way you are. Stay that way forever. I love you.

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