Dior 6

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I'm just getting outta the shower and Tayla ass was still knocked out from that good good I just gave to her.

"Eric!" I heard my grandma yell my name

"Yea!?" I yelled back but she didn't respond so I just shrug it off and finished getting myself together.

I put on some nike jogging shorts with a white tank top.

I slid my nike slides on and went to my grandma room to see what she wanted.

She was sitting up in her bed reading a book.
"Wassup grandma?"

"I called you like 30 minutes ago boy"

"I know but I just got out the shower." I said sitting on the edge of her bed.

"That lil girl going home right?" She asked closing her book and looking at me.
"She wanted to spend the night"

"Well that nots happening tonight, so tell her she gotta go home."

I chuckled a little
"And why she gotta go?"

She looked at me like a said some goofy shit.

"Because i fucking said so Eric."

"I'm just saying you act like its her first time staying over"

"I don't care if this was her 10th fuckingg time staying! I said not tonight!  Don't piss me off Eric please don't"

"Ight" i said leaving her room. She don't got no reason to not like Tayla though. I don't know wassup with her. Imma have to sit and talk to her about it.

I went back to my room and grabbed my phone looking through it and replying to some messages.

I went to Dior name and texted her.

Her:nothing laying down omp
Me:I'm finna come get u

She ain't even text me back with her lil scary ass because I know she read my shit.

"Ayee ma" i shook Tayla to wake her up.
She just turned over and pushed my hand away and I smacked my lips.

I bent down and started kissing on her neck.
"Stawppp" she said pushing my face away from her.

"Get up shorty" i said standing up and smacking her ass.
"Oww!" She turned looking at me with her bottom lip poking out

"Get up then"

"For whatt?"

"Cuz I'm finna take you home." I said looking at my phone

Dior: its too late and my mama don't be letting me go out this late☹️

Sometimes i be forgetting her lil ass only 14 and still gotta curfew and shit

Me: I'm still sliding through. You go open yo window fa me?

Her: no Eric🤦🏾‍♀️

Me:ightt bet but don't go to sleep imma call u in a hour

I'm lying like a mfr, I'm still go pull up after I drop off Tayla that's why I told her ass not to go to sleep.

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