Dior 25

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Sorry about the wait y'all.
And thanks to those who comments and vote on every single chapter!!! I appreciate y'all and y'all know who you are and I do too.😘😘😘😘😘😘


"I just know his ass with that lil girl" I said to Kylin while eating my jerk chicken he ordered for me

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"I just know his ass with that lil girl" I said to Kylin while eating my jerk chicken he ordered for me.

Every since he been around her, he been treating me like a goofy ass bitch.

"Girl I'm finna go home." Kylin said putting the nail polish up she was using polishing her toes.

I stopped eating and looked up at her.
"Why?" I asked
"Because you always talking about Eric this Eric that."
"Ok but I"  she cut me off saying
"Every time we chill or hang I don't wanna keep hearing or talking about that shit." She said a little too rowdy for my liking.
"Ok girl calm down cuz you doing too much." I said before chuckling a little.

"Ight imma leave. Before I pop on a bitch." She said saying the last part a lil lower.

I just shrugged my shoulders and finished eating. I picked up my phone as I heard the front door slam. I got up and went to go lock the door.

I don't know what's her problem but I do know she better pipe down real shit. Imma just let her have her lil moment because she my bestie if she wasn't I would've been popped her ass in the mouth.

"Hey cousin!" I said excitedly to my big cousin Rico.

He stayed down the street from me so I decided to walk down to his house. He was outside on the porch smoking a blunt with his friend Von.

"Wassup lil cuz. What you up to?" He asked me

"Nothing chilling ready to graduate. It seems like the months going by soo slowww" i said while rolling my eyes.

He chuckled "yo lil ass is still in high school huh?"

"Shut up" I said turning to Von who was burning a whole in my fucking face.

"You just go stare or speak?" I asked him.

He waved me off looking at Rico who passed him the blunt.

"Man why you be playing with my manz like he some lame." Rico said

Before I could even say some Van spoke up.
"Her ass too far up ole boy ass."

"You still messing with his lame ass" Rico said scuffing

"No he-"
"She up his ass and dude ass ain't even worrying about her." Von said cutting me off.

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