Dior 17

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I was in gym just hooping around

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I was in gym just hooping around. The seniors don't really have to do shit in gym so this basically like a free period for us but the freshmen and sophomores was on the other side of the gym exercising and shit.
The juniors don't have gym because they have SAT prep instead.

I kept catching Dior just staring at me. Burning holes in my face and shit. The shit was intense.

Ight let me kinda break it down a bit. Its been a week since the whole me and Dior in the tub damn near fucking shit.

I really just been ignoring her a lil bit and trying to avoid her because I felt guilty afterwards about the shit going down like that. She young and I gotta persuading type of mentality.

I mean yeah Dior cute as hell and her lil ass gotta sexy ass body to be 14.
And every time I say her age I just think like damn she really is a fucking baby out here and my grown ass eating her pussy.

Don't get me wrong.... I never said I regretted that shit cuz I'll eat her shit again ion give a fuck.
But I just feel we went to far, well I went to far in the bath tub with her. I mean damn she was looking good and we was both naked and I'm a nigga so you know my lil mans was just showing out that night.

So yeah, I kind of just distant myself away from her lil bit so I can get my mind straight.

"Alright! Listen up seniors!" Mr.Ross yells

Everybody stopped what they was doing and looked at him.
"Everybody take a seat on the bleachers." He said
Everybody sat down and he stood in front of us waiting for people to stop talking.

Tayla sat next to me and turned to the girls that was still talking "can y'all shut up." She said rolling her eyes.

"Is you go make me shut up?" This girl Danni said to Tayla.
"Danni its not the time right now." Mr.Ross calmly tells her.

"I'm saying though Mr.Ross it's a more respectful way to get somebody to quiet down."

Tayla turned around soo fast she almost broke her neck.
"Girlll I don't gotta respect you. Who is you!?" She yells standing up now.

"Yo! Chill out!" I tell her pulling her back down.

"Now both of yall shut up and let Mr.Ross say what he gotta say."

And just like I thought they both stayed quiet.
"Ok so I will be expecting you all to complete a Food pyramid and have it turned in tomorrow and I want it to look colorful and nice. Don't bring nothing you drew out with a pencil with words in the triangles. If you don't know what a food pyramid is then I suggest you google it."

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