Dior 11

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I got woken up by Eric yelling at someone who was knocking at the door.
I heard Ebony ask him do he want some breakfast but he didn't answer her. He just rolled on his side asking me did I want some and I told him no because I don't want to eat with his nut ass sister and I'm scared to meet his grandma.

He pecked me on the cheek two times before getting up.
Ebony ass was still at the door yelling and shit until Eric told her to get the fuck away from his door.

He went in the bathroom to brush his teeth and I just laid there looking up at the ceiling thinking about last night like oh my fucking gosh! I can't believe Eric ate me out and then fingered me.

I want to ask him about it but I really don't want to bring it up because he was high as hell and he might regret it and say that it wasn't suppose to go that far.

He got out the bathroom going into his closet and I got up getting my tooth brush and tooth paste out of my overnight bag.

After I finished brushing my teeth and washing my face I looked in my bag to find something to put on. I looked up and seen Eric with a white tee on and some grey nike jogging shorts on with some white low top air force ones. He was sitting on the edge of the bed on his phone.

After I got dressed, I went to the bathroom to brush my hair down.
I put on a white thin off the shoulders long sleeve one piece and some dark denim jeans with my pink and white low top Christian louboutin shoes.

While I was in the mirror brushing my hair down, Eric came in messing with me. Every time I'll brush a part down he'll mess it back up.
"Stop it" I whined elbowing him. He just laughed holding his stomach. I rolled my eyes because I'm soo frustrated with this shit.
"Its not funny, I'm already mad that I don't have any flatirons to straighten it how I want." I said still brushing it down trying to get it a lil slick straight.

"You want me to go get my sisters?" He asked
I stopped what I was doing and mugged him through the mirror.
"Ion wanna use yo sister dusty ass flatirons" I said with a serious face. He smacked his lips and told me to chill out before leaving out the bathroom.

I came out the bathroom and he was putting on his gold chain and rolex watch.
"My hair soo ugly" I said while trying to take a pic on snapchat.
"You look straight shorty. Come on"
I grabbed my stuff and we left out the room. When we got downstairs I seen Ebony break her neck turning to look in our direction and I seen his grandma sitting down eating.

Ebony got up and started walking our way and tried to swing but Eric pushed her ass back. I just stood there un-phased because she thought she was smooth.
"Why is she in our house Eric!?" She yelled mugging me up and down.
"That's none of yo business now go back to minding yo business lil girl." She just ran upstairs mad as hell.

Eric's grandma was just standing there looking at us with her hands on her hips.
"Good morning grandma" Eric said walking over to her and kissing her on the cheek. She pushed him back and wiped her cheek off.
"Don't be kissing on me boy, I don't know what you been doing with that mouth."
He just smacked his lips
"Ight grandma, but this Dior" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me towards them.
"Hey, how you doing." I said trying to shake her hand but she just looked at me up and down folding her arms over her chest.
"So you bringing hoes in my house Eric?" She asked with her face scrunched up looking at him.
"Grandma that's disrespectful! She not no hoe, this my lil shorty Dior."
She just stood there staring at me. I just looked down at my feet feeling a bit uncomfortable.
"Whats your name?" She asked making me look up at her. I could've sworn Eric said my name twice.
"Grandma I just told you her name" he said straight facing her.
"I'm not talking to you Eric." She looked back at me waiting for a answer.
"My name is Dior"
"Mmm...Dior.. thats a beautiful name and I'm grandma Lynn. I apologize for me approaching you wrong and assuming."
"Its ok and its nice meeting you."
She just smiled and walked back to the kitchen. Eric was sitting down eating some bacon on FaceTime. I looked over his shoulder to see who he was on FaceTime with and it was that bitch ass senior Tayla. I just rolled my eyes and walked to the living room standing against the wall while going on snapchat.

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