Dior 13

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(Check out my NEW story SUMMER DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!)
A/N: If you don't like fighting or agree with it then this part not for you. Lol this story is not for you🤷🏾‍♀️

"Damnnn" everybody said as Dior fell into the pool.

Molly looked up soo fast and ran out of the pool over to Kayla and Ebony.

When she got over there she punched Kayla dead in the eye and Kayla grabbed her hair pushing her head down while beating her head in but Ebony didn't stop swinging and throwing jabs a Kaylas face, she ended up grabbing her hair to and some how tackles her to the ground. They was just going at it on the floor.

Then Ebony jumped in and grabbed Molly's hair while punching her.
Mind you this is all happening soo fast.

Thats when Dria decided to jump in it and break it up.
"Nooo don't jump her!" She told Ebony while trying to pull her away. She pulled her back and held on to her.

Dior gets out of the pool soaking wet and fuming. She runs up to Ebony and socks her right on the side of her face without her even paying attention.
She didn't care though because she shouldn't have pushed her and they shouldn't have ruined her best friend's party.
She held her face and ran up to Dior.
Dior grabs her hair and swings her on the floor. She had her hair while punching her in the face.
"Hell no!" Erin, Molly's sister screamed breaking up the fight between Molly and Kayla.
Molly scarf was off and her nose was bleeding.
Kayla got up trying to charge at Dior but Erin's boyfriend picked her up but she ended up getting a hold to Dior's hair anyways.

She had a tight grip on her hair while Erin's boyfriend held her up and trying to pull her hand from her hair.
"Yo let her go!" He yanked her hard and she let her hair go causing Dior to fall.
Kody pulled Dior up while she kept kicking Ebony.

Dior had one little scratch on the side of her face. Kody lead her inside the house to the bathroom.
"You gotta clean that scratch." Kody told her
"Fuck this lil ass scratch! Where is my Bestfriend!?"

He ignored her and got a wet paper towel damping the scratch.
She moved his hand and pushed him outta the way.

She found Molly in Erin's room on her bed while Erin cleaned up her face.
Molly was sitting there crying, not because she got beat up or nothing but because she was angry that them bitches ruined her party. Dior sat next to her and kissed her cheek.
"Its ok Bestfriend"

Outside, Ryan told everybody to go home and the party was over.

Molly, Kayla and Dria got in the car driving off.
"I knew that was going to happen. I just knew it." Dria said while shaking her head.
"Shut the fuck up bitch because you didn't even jump in it." Ebony said mugging her.
Dria didn't jump in it because she's tired of following them and they didn't have no reason to fight them from the start.
"So what! I'm done fighting y'all battles."
"Kayla you better get yo cousin."
"Both of yall need to just shut up!"
She was looking out of the window a little salty because she met her match and she felt like she got beat up.
She had a bruise under her right eye, her bottom lip was busted, some of her tracks came out and she had a knot on her forehead. Now she know who she can't beat.
Ebony had a bruise on the side of her face and a small bruise in the corner of her eye.
She didn't care if she couldn't fight like that. She would fight again and again and again if she has to. She now was feeling iffy about Dria too because she'll jump in all the other fights but not this one.

Dria pulled up at Ebonys house and Kayla and Ebony got out.
"You not coming?" Kayla asked her cousin.
"Naw imma just go to grand dads and pick up my clothes tomorrow."
She didn't really want to sleep over at Ebonys because it was now too much tension between them and she kept mugging her while in the back.
"Ok well text me when you make it." Kayla said
She nodded and then drove off.

They got in the house and Eric and Tayla was sitting on the couch while she straddling his lap.
He looked up at them and frowned at they faces.
"What the fuck happened to yo face!"
He asked Ebony.
"They jumped me!" She said to Eric.
He slid Tayla off his lap.
"Who jumped you?!" Tayla asked while yelling.
Eric walked up to Ebony and grabbed her face examining it. He smacked his lips.
"Mann who jumped you?" He asked while looking at Kaylas face and back at Ebonys.
Kaylas head was down because she can't believe she was lying to her brother. She just gonna go along with it because that's her best friend.
"Molly and Dior"
Eric jaws tightens and he was now fumming.

Hey Y'all this just a lil sum sum. Sorry its very short but I was rushing to put some out.
Don't forget to go check out my New story
Yes I gotta New story and didn't finish my other lol so what who cares🤷🏾‍♀️
GO CHECK IT OUT THOUGH PLEASE🙏🏾 I only put out one chapter.

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