Dior 23

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This chapter was been suppose to have been out but I had to do other shit more important in my life lol sorry yall. And please stop talking about how young she is. I know Dior is 14 and Eric is 18 it wasn't no mistake that's part of the story line.
But ENJOY...........................


It was 5:00 in the morning and I couldn't stop sneezing or coughing. I don't know where this sickness came from but it just started in the middle of the night.

I got up out of my bed and went to my bathroom to get me some tissue. I looked in the mirror and I looked a hot mess.

My hair was messy, my nose was stuffy and a lil red from blowing it hella times.

I went to lay back down to go to sleep because I would have to get up in a couple of hours for school.

I just couldn't go back to sleep because I just kept coughing and every time I cough my chest would burn. I got frustrated and got up as a tear rolled down my face.

I went to my mama room because I always go to her when I'm sick.

I was about to open her door but had to stop myself because Chad was in there with her and I didn't want to walk on them doing some nasty shit.

*knock, knock* "mommy" I called her name. She didn't answer so I knocked a lil harder "mommyy!"
"Yo!" I heard Chad say. I slightly rolled my eyes because I wasn't talking to him.
"Mommy!" I yelled before coughing.
"Aye baby wake up." Chad said
"Whattt?" She said with a sleepy voice.
"Lil mama want you"

I heard moving around and then my mama opened the door.

She looked at my tear stained face.
"Whats wrong baby?" She asked with a worry look.
"Mommy I don't feel good and my *cough* chest burns when I cough." I said looking at her with a sad expression.

She grabbed my hand and walked downstairs to the kitchen.

She grabbed a mug and put some water in it then putting it in the microwave.
"When did you start feeling sick?" She asked me while feeling on my face and feeling my neck.
"In the middle of the night" I said
"You is a lil hot. Imma have to get you some cough syrup later." She said while taking the cup out of the microwave and putting the green tea tea bag in the water and some lemon juice and honey then stirring it.

We sat there while I drunk the hot tea in complete silence.

I was done and put it in the sink.
"Here Dior drink some water." She said handing me a bottle of water. I drunk a lil and put the cap on it.

"Come on baby lets go to bed." She grabbed my hand and we walked back up to her room.

We walked in and Chad was knocked out with the covers on one side of his bottom half with his whole right leg out of the cover. It was obvious that he didn't have no underwear on.

"Hold on Dior" my mama said going over to him and picking some up off the floor which looked like his drawls.

She shook him waking him up. He got up rubbing his eye and looked at me and then my mama.
"Wassup?" He asked her.

"Put these on and get up." She told him.

He grabbed his underwear and put them on under the covers. He got up and I turned around because I didn't want to see him in his boxers.

I went and sat down at my mama vanity and seen he had some jogging pants on.

My mama was taking the sheets off the bed.

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