Dior 20

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Right now I'm irritated as hell because Cam ass woke me up early as fuck talking about C want us to do a early drop.

Like don't that nigga know mutha fuckers still in school.

C is our boss. That nigga one of the biggest drug lords in LA. Cam was working with him first when we was in 8th grade. He was doing little work for him on the corner and shit.

I use to see this nigga coming to school with hella new shit like everyday. Don't get me wrong, my grandma was never low down broke. She had enough money to buy me and Ebony three outfits a week and two pairs of shoes a month.
She never bought us expensive clothes or shoes.

I use to stay wearing black or white ones (Air Force ones) or airmax. I remember her only buying me like two pairs of Jordans.

I remember one time I told her I wanted some jordans so bad and she told me she'll see what she can do.

One day I came home from school and seen a footlocker bag on the coffee table and she told me it was for me. I grabbed that bag soo fast and pulled out the box. The first thing I seen was a Jordan logo and I got happy as hell.

I opened the box and this lady done got me some damn Flights. Like who wears flights. Them mexican ass jordans man.

(A/n:No disrespect to the mexicans. We call them that cuz most mexicans in Chicago wear those.)

I was mad as hell and told her she got the wrong ones. Then she went on and on about me being ungrateful and about the children in Africa who doesn't have anything to eat and she told me she taking them back and I'm not getting shit. But she got me the red and black Jordan 1s a week later.

But anyways.... I asked Cam how he be getting all of that stuff cuz I know his mama wasn't buying it. Her ass was a whole junky and they lived in the projects and she never worked. She always depended on SSI checks, food stamps, and the lil money she get on the side from her doing dicks. Cam use to sometimes have to come over our crib just to eat. 

He told me about C and put me on with him. When I met him he told me that this some big boy shit and I can't be out here acting like no pussy and I told him that I can't be it if I eat it. That shit was funny as hell because I was young as fuck didn't know what the fuck I was talking about, just trying to play that hard act in front of him.

He died laughing at me and told me he like me and set me up on the same corner as Cam.

Thats when shit started getting good for me but bad for my grandma because she didn't like me hanging out with gang bangers but she never knew I was selling and when she found out, awe man she went crazy on my ass and that's when she sent me to that border school for a year because I stopped going to school and I stopped listening to her.

I got back home still doing the same shit but she didn't find out I was still selling until sophomore year and she told me just be careful and don't get too much attached.

Shidd its too late now cuz I'm too deep in the shit now and I'm not no corner boy no more. C put me in charge of the traps and the corner boys. I don't know why he didn't pick Cam, I guess I do shit better but he didn't take it no kind of way cuz he my right hand, if I gotta say so then he got one too.

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