Chapter Fifteen: Stickmen Armies and One Direction Discussions

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529 reads?! This is insane, so much more than I had expected! Thank you so much!! You guys are amazing! <33333
I hope you all enjoy the next chapter! On top of the page just a random gif of our beautiful Donny lad to brighten your day
:) Lots of love to all of you, keep smiling and have a wonderful day <3

When I finished work the next day, I went straight to the university campus with my books and a big selection of snacks from the bakery such as sandwiches, cake and buns. It was the Saturday of Harry's barbeque and Lucy and I had made plans with some of our friends to join together for an afternoon of studying. Although we did not all attend the same classes, it was always nice to get together and quiz each other. I walked through the gate and let my eyes wander around the benches and it didn't take me long to spot Lucy's red hair.

One of the girls, Karen, looked up when I got closer. "Hey, the food's here!" she cheered and reached for the bags from the bakery as soon as I had arrived at their table. "And a very good day to you too, Karen!" I replied sarcastically and dropped down onto a seat next to Lucy while the rest of the group lunged themselves at the food. "Did you have a nice day at work?" Lucy asked me while I unpacked my stuff and I rolled my eyes in response. "The only good thing I have to say about work is that it's over now." Lucy chuckled. "Alrighty, do not mention work to Abby. Noted."

"Abby, how much do we owe you?" Dahlia, my fellow scientist, asked me from her spot next to me. "Two-fifty each, please! Sorry guys, but Lu and I are a little tight on money at the moment." I said and Conner snorted. "When are you not broke?" he asked with his strong Scottish accent, a mischievous grin on his face but his girlfriend Ellie next to him, smacked him on the head. "Watch it, pal, it's two guys against five girls!" she warned him and Conner threw a helpless glance at Derek, our second male member of the group.

"Don't worry, Abby, we all know the problem. We are all students here, so no one's really got a pence to spare." Dahlia said reassuringly and I couldn't help but smile at her. Dahlia was easily one of the prettiest girls I had ever met. She had caramel skin and long, black hair, which fell down her back in big waves. While I stared at her flawless face and her dark brown eyes, I asked myself for the hundredths time why she did not have a boyfriend. I saw the looks guys gave her when she walked down the hallway and who could blame them?

"Earth to Abby!" Lucy's voice sounded in my ear and I quickly turned around to her. "Sorry, you were saying?" I asked her and she pulled a face. "Karen, I think you might have to say that again." Lucy said and Karen sent me an annoyed look and adjusted her glasses. "Now that I have your undivided attention, I repeat: I think the easiest way to work is two pair up. I'd say we'll have Dahlia and Abby, Derek and Ellie and Lu and Conner, we can team up as a group of three. That way we all have someone from our department to talk to." I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "What a genius plan." I said dryly but so quietly that only Lucy and Dahlia could hear me.

We sat together in our little groups and began to work our way through the pile of books and papers. After a while the conversation and laughter died down around the table and everyone was lost in their work. The only noise heard was shuffling from pages being turned or an occasional sigh. The loud buzzing of my phone startled all of us and I quickly unlocked the screen to stop the noise. My heart leaped when I saw that it was a text from Louis. "Pick you up at 7 tonight? Looking forward to it! Xxxx Louis"

"Abby, who is texting you?" Karen asked me and I looked up from my phone. A smile had crept on my face without me noticing and I felt my cheeks blush under the curious gazes of my friends. "No one" I said a little too hastily and Karen snorted. "Sure! Does this 'no one' happen to have a name and balls in his pants?" She asked with a grin but I ignored her. "Honestly guys, it's just a friend of mine, can we please drop it and go back to studying?" I pleaded, unwilling to risk exposing my friendship with One Direction.

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