Chapter Seventeen: Sleeping Beauties and Falling

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@Louis_Tomlinson: new single coming...@BebeRexha @DigiFarmAnimals #BackToYou
...So this happened today... Who else is going crazy with excitement?? :) I can't wait for his new single, so looking forward to it! Very exciting last two days for us Louies!
Anyway, the next chapter is already up! I had a lot of spare time today and Louis announcement had kinda gotten me into the right mood to write, so here is the next part of Harry's barbeque! Sorry, I know it's a lot to read from me lately but if you find the time to catch up with the last few chapters, you'd make me really happy :)
Lots of love and enjoy the chapter!

"Are you really going to eat all that?" Louis asked me incredulously and looked at my plate which was loaded with heaps of salad, bread and sausages. I raised my eyebrows. "What, just because I'm a girl it means that I'm only allowed to eat salad?" I asked him teasingly and Louis grinned. "Well, if there is one girl who can eat more than me, that's definitely you!" He agreed and I shrugged. "Hey, I live on low-budget, I gotta grab the chance to have a proper meal before it's gone!" I said and made my way over to one of the tables, keeping a watchful eye on my packed plate.

Louis followed me and sat down opposite of me, putting down his own plate which wasn't carrying any less food than mine. Soon, we were joined by Niall, Lucy, Liam and Sophia and the six of us started chatting. When I started talking to Sophia, I immediately liked her. She was a very sweet person and I loved the way she looked at Liam, like he was the only guy in the whole world. As time went by, Louis seemed to lose energy and for the first time I noticed how exhausted he looked. The moments when he wasn't putting on his usual smile, he seemed tired and weary and I hated myself for not noticing sooner.

Harry joined us after a while, a much stressed looking Gemma at his side. As the siblings sat down, they were in a deep quarrel. "I did not say that you had to get those drinks!" Harry said and Gemma snorted. "As if they would just magically appear on the Buffett! Seriously, Harold, did you have anything organized for this evening, like at all?" Harry rolled his eyes and gave her an angry reply and I quickly put a fork with food into my mouth to hide my amusement. I missed those quarrels with my own brother, fighting over vanities, knowing exactly that the other one's right but refusing to admit it.

As the evening went on, someone turned on some music and soon Harry's loud speakers filled his backyard with music. More and more people started using Harry's backyard as a dance floor and when we were pretty much the last one's still seated, Louis wiggled his eyebrows at me playfully and motioned towards the dancefloor. I held up my hands in surrender and Louis took my lack of protest as a yes. With a grin on his face, he grabbed my wrist and began pulling me towards the dancefloor where Lucy was already dancing with Niall and Harry.

I couldn't help but laugh at the boy's non-existent dance skills, only Liam who was dancing with Sophia nearby was looking good. "So it is true!" I shouted to Louis over the sound of the loud music. Louis looked at me confused and spun me around, nearly tripping me in the process. "What is true?" He asked back and I grinned. "You can't dance to save your life!" I told him and had to fight tears of laughter. Louis tried to look mad but the corners of his mouth twitched. "You're mean!" He shouted and I grinned and shrugged. To be fair, I wasn't much of a dancer myself but Louis' dancing was the funniest thing I had ever seen. I didn't mind though, it actually made me like him even more.

After a while Louis got visibly exhausted and I suggested to take a break. We pushed our way through the crowd of people dancing and chatting and sat down together in one of Harry's sun loungers. I leaned back against Louis' chest and had to admit that he was unbelievably comfortable for such a skinny person. "I could stay right here all night!" Louis sighed sleepily and closed his eyes. I turned my head a little so I could look at him and grinned. "How come you're so tired? I thought, I was the one who had to get up at 3.15 this morning." I scolded him playfully. Louis opened his eyes again and glanced down at me. "Yes, love, but you are also the one who had an afternoon nap." I chuckled. "Fair enough!"

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