Author's Note - and Louis on X Factor!

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Hey everyone! I'm sorry but this is not an update.

I'd like to apologize for taking so long to publish a new chapter but I have my exams coming up and it's pretty crazy at the moment. I will try to get another chapter up before Christmas but right now I lack both, time and energy, to sit down and write a new chapter. I don't want to throw anything out there that I am not 100% happy with, so please bear with me until I am finished with my winter examination. I am dealing with a lot of stuff at the moment, also a lot of personal issues, so please understand that it might be another two weeks or so before I am able to publish anything new.

Alsooooooo: who watched X Factor last night? I am so proud of Louis, this performance was amazing! He has come such a long way and he looked so genuinely happy on stage. Almost a year ago, he was killing it on stage stage in what must have been one of the toughest times in his life and yesterday he came back, smashing it once again. Proud is an understatement!

Thanks for being understanding! I really enjoy writing this story and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon :)

Lots of love,


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