Chapter Twenty-Two: Going Home and Ex-Boyfriends

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Hey everyone! Can I just say a massive thank you for getting 1k reads on this story!!! You guys are the best! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it, this is so amazing!
I'm in Scotland now, officially flatmates with my sister (best thing ever!), so this is my first chapter from my new home.

I had a bit of a writer's block the last couple of days because I didn't know how to continue the story. On a more positive note, I already finished two and a half chapters for later on. I just need to fill in a little gap, possibly two or three more chapters.
A big thank you for @MusicAndTVAreLive for giving me some inspiration for this chapter. I didn't quite go the way I had planned it but I'm really happy how it turned out.

I'll stop writing now ;) The music video of "Back To You" is at the top, the song is such a banger!!!

Lots of love and a lovely evening to all of you,


„Next stop: Nottingham." said a tinny voice from the speaker and I slowly opened my eyes. The train picked up speed again as we left the tiny village we had passed on our way to my hometown Nottingham. I yawned and let my eyes wander around the nearly empty compartment. The only passengers left on board were an elderly lady who had been knitting non-stop since we left King's Cross and two teenage girls who had spent most of my time awake fangirling over Justin Bieber.

The old man who had sat next to me for the first hour of the train ride had gone as well, all that was left of his presence was the slight smell of cold cigarettes. I wrinkled my nose and stretched my arms. It wasn't a long train ride from London to Nottingham, hardly two hours but I still managed to fall asleep every single time.

I looked out of the window and a smile crept on my face when I saw the familiar meadows and hills fly by. My parents had been thrilled when I had suggested that I'd come home for a week, I hadn't been in Nottingham since last Christmas. My mum had told me that they had a surprise for me but from experience, I knew that it would most likely not be something I'd be particularly excited about. The last time she had told me that she had a big surprise for me, she had invited my aunt Betty for dinner, a woman who hated me ever since I had accidently stepped on her dog's tail when I was five years old. The surprise didn't turn out as well as my mum had hoped.

Shivering slightly in the cold air conditioning breeze, I pulled the sleeves of my jumper over my fingers and yawned again. Lazily, I rested my head against the window and watched the landscape blur into a sea of green and brown. Without noticing, I must have dozen off again because the next thing I knew was that someone was knocking hard against the train window.

When I opened my eyes again, I looked into the face of my mum who looked half-amused, half annoyed and waved her arms frantically. Shock hit me as I realized that the train was already in Nottingham and I was still on board. I jumped up from my seat, grabbed my coat and my bag and sprinted down the aisle towards the door. "Stay back, please!" came the announcement from the speaker and I stumbled out of the train just as the doors started to close.

"Oh Abby, you nearly gave me a heart attack there!" My mum laughed and opened her arms to give me a big hug. "Sorry!" I laughed and grinned sheepishly and let myself fall into her warm embrace. "I fell asleep!" "We noticed!" said a deep and warm voice from behind me. "Papa!" I squealed and let go of my mum to turn around to my father. Dark blue eyes, just like mine, looked back at me and I felt tears building in my eyes when I looked into the face of my father. "Hey kiddo!" He said and pulled me into a hug.

I heard my mum laugh happily from behind me and seconds later, she joined our little group hug. "Oh Abby, it's so good to have you here!" She whispered into my ear and stroke my hair. I sniffed slightly and felt a warmth inside my chest that only came with the presence of your family. "It's so good to be back!" I said genuinely and smiled when I looked into the faces of my parents.

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