Chapter Thirty-Eight: Bad Timing and Lost Phones

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Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and loads of love to all of you! Wishing all the best for 2018 to each and everyone of you! I hope everyone had a lovely holiday with their families (:

2018...Louis' album, Liam's album, Harry's Tour, Niall's Tour, Louis' Tour, possibly Liam's Tour... I feel like 2018 is going to be a very good year.

I am very excited that I managed to write the next chapter, I am really enjoying writing the story so far. Thanks for all the lovely comments and votes, it means a lot!

Without any further ado, here's the next chapter of Louis and Abby, I hope you enjoy it!

Lots of love,

"Do you really have to leave tomorrow?" I muttered and buried my face in Louis' neck. Louis sighed and my TV fell silent with a flick of his hand. He tossed the remote to the side and pulled me onto his lap, a happy sigh escaping him as I snuggled deeper into his arms. "Sorry love, but duty calls." He said quietly into my ear and took my right hand into his left one. "But this is insane!" I continued and tried to ignore the tingly feeling inside my stomach erupting, when Louis started to play with my fingers. "You had shows six nights in a row in London, how is it possible that you are on the road again tomorrow?" I complained, knowing that I sounded whiney but my evenings with Louis had become a rarity very quickly.

I felt Louis shrug underneath me and he pressed a light kiss to my temple. "To you it may seem insane. To me, this is my normal life. And it's alright, at least I got a few nights off after the London shows." He said but I only hummed in response, still not happy. "Hey, don't be sad, love." Louis said and gave me a little squeeze. He let go of my hand and gently grasped my chin, turning my head to look at him. His blue eyes met mine and I felt my lips curve into a smile involuntarily. "I'll be back before you know it, trust me." Louis smiled at me and gave me a soft kiss. I closed my eyes and leaned into his touch but before I could do more than put my hand in Louis' neck, Louis had already torn away from me.

"Also" There was a mischievous grin on his face and for a split second I got a good impression of what Louis must have looked like as a child. "Once we get to Newcastle, I get to introduce my new special assistant to everyone." He added and I frowned. "Who is your new special- oh!" I broke off and blushed when I realized what Louis had said. "I am your special assistant." I concluded and Louis laughed at the sheepish expression on my face. "For such a smart girl, you can be very slow at times." He chuckled and his grin widened when I glared at him.

"It's going to be so great to have you with us on tour." Louis said, sobering up. "Yeah" I replied and Louis frowned a little, noticing the lack of enthusiasm in my voice. "You alright, love?" He mumbled into my hair and pressed another kiss on top of my head. I nodded and looked down at Louis' hands or rather our hands, our fingers were still tangled. "Then what is it?" Louis asked again and leaned back a little until he was facing me. "I'm nervous." I confessed with a weak smile. Louis raised an eyebrow questioningly. "Nervous?" He repeated and I let my head fall back against his shoulder, unable to stand the look of his deep blue, searching eyes any longer.

I took a deep breath. "This is like a whole different world to me, Louis." I said and stared at the ceiling. "Don't get me wrong, I am super excited to come visit you guys on tour." I continued, still avoiding Louis' eyes. "It's just... Everyone there is so cool!" The human cushion underneath me started to vibrate and seconds later, Louis laughter rang in my ears. "Are you laughing at me?" I shot upright instantly and gave Louis and indignant look. Louis quickly attempted an innocent face but his shoulders were still shaking in silent laughter and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Love, you are cool." Louis said, grinning widely and brushed a strand of hair out of my face. I let go of his hand and crossed my arms. "You are just saying this because you want to be nice." I accused him with narrowed eyes. Louis blinked. "Yes." He said but quickly raised his hands when I let out a huff. "But" Louis hurried to continue and cupped my face in his hands "you are still the coolest person to me." He gave me his most winning smile and I felt my heart melt. "That was lame." I said and tried to keep a stern face but Louis chuckled. "But it worked, didn't it?" I groaned, frustrated by my lack of self-control when I was around Louis and gave him a quick kiss. Louis looked very pleased with himself when I let go of him, knowing that he had me.

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