Chapter Thirty-Three: Stupid fights and Awkward Silence

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Hey everyone, here is another chapter :) It is a bit shorter than my usual ones but I have very little time at the moment. I still think that the chapter doesn't need any more words so hopefully you'll like it too! Next chapter will most likely be up next weekend.

Thanks again for the continuous support and for everyone out there who votes and comments as well, it means so much!

Lots of love,


A loud knock on my door made me jump and I nearly dropped my pen onto the big plate of glass which was currently home to eight different soil samples. "Sweet lord!" I muttered under my breath and took a deep breath to calm myself. I looked back at the soil samples on my table and sighed, knowing that I had hit a dead end on my little research project. With a loud thud, I closed my book and tossed it onto my bed, clearing some space in front of my desk to pack up my stuff.

A second knock on the door reminded me why I stopped my research in the first place. "Come on in, Lu!" I shouted over my shoulder while I bent down to collect some lose papers lying around. The door opened with the familiar loud creek and I continued to collect my papers, not bothering to look up. "You know, you might want to do something about that noisy door of yours, it's impossible to sneak in or out, love." A strong Doncaster accent sounded behind me.

I spun around so quickly that I dropped my papers again and sent the pages flying everywhere. "You're back?!" I squeaked and threw myself into Louis' arms without thinking. I heard his soft laugh as he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a tight embrace. Burying my face in his neck, I breathed in the familiar scent of his shampoo and I felt tears of happiness form in my eyes. Soft fingers tangled themselves into my curls and gently stroke my head as Louis' lips brushed my hair.

After a while, I finally untangled myself from Louis and leaned back a little so that I could see his face. "Surprise, love." Louis' blue eyes glistened excitedly and he beamed down at me. "You've got to stop surprising me with early returns, Louis! My poor heart!" I said with a little laugh but Louis only tightened his grip around my waist and shrugged, looking very smug. "Well, here I am. And I'm not going to leave any time soon." He added and grinned while my heart took a little jump.

Still trapped in Louis' lose embrace, I looked over his shoulder. "Did you bring anyone else?" I asked Louis who replied with a pout. "I thought my stunning presence would suffice." He said and pretended to be hurt. I rolled my eyes and he quickly grinned, jerking his head back to the door. "Niall's here to see Lucy, if that's what you were asking." "Hmm" I hummed and gave Louis a teasing look. "Then excuse me, please. I have to say hello to my favourite One Direction member, Niall!" I moved to get out of Louis' arms but he only huffed and tightened his grip around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"Louis!" I exclaimed and tried to wiggle out of his embrace. "Let go!" I squealed and squirmed around, accidently elbowing him to the stomach. Louis let out a hiss and doubled over, pulling me down with him in the process and the two of us landed on my bed in a tangled heap. "Ouch!" I complained and rubbed my sore elbow. "Are you made of stone?" I looked over at Louis who was lying on his back, his face covered with his hand, his whole body shaking. "Louis?" I frowned and carefully pulled his hands off his face.

A single tear rolled down Louis' cheek as continued to shake in silent laughter. "Oh Abby." Louis managed to get out in between giggles and turned his head to look at me. "You are seriously the clumsiest person I know." He laughed again while I slapped his arm but I couldn't hide a grin. I was just too happy to see him again. "That went well." I said dryly and Louis sobered up, grinning at me sheepishly. He rolled onto his side and pushed himself up on his arm, looking down on me. I looked up at his familiar, beautiful face and suddenly, I became very aware of how close we were.

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