Chapter Twenty-Six: Song Writing and Urgent Texts

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Hello lovelies, the next chapter is up! I have prewritten the next three chapters and I'll post them within the next two weeks. I'm currently on holiday so I don't have as much time to write. I'll post the chapters I have already prepared one by one and hopefully that'll last me till the end of the holiday ;)

Thanks for reading and have an amazing day!

Lots of love,

„Do you believe in magic?" I asked Louis and looked out of the window where the pouring rain was slowly transforming Louis' backyard into an outdoor swimming pool. Louis hummed quietly, his attention fully focused on the scribblings of music sheets fanned out in front of him. I bit down a smile, seeing Louis fully absorbed by his passion. "Stupid question, of course you do. There is no greater magic than music out there." Louis crossed out a whole verse and shook his head in frustration. "Sorry love, what did you say?"

I repeated my question and tried to make a sense of Louis' scribblings but since it was upside down from my perspective, I didn't stand a chance. Louis looked at me thoughtfully before answering, playing with the pen in his hands. "I know you're just joking around but I actually do." He admitted and gave me a smile. I crossed my legs and leaned forward a little. "Really, how come?" I asked curiously.

Louis chuckled slightly at me curiosity and bit his lip. "I don't know... I just think, you know, sometimes a connection between people can be so incredibly special. To me, that's the closest you can get to magic. It can't be completely normal, there has to be a little spark of god-knows-what in it... I would call that magic." My heart warmed up at his words and I couldn't help myself from grinning widely.

"Aaaaw, aren't you the sweetest?" I joked and Louis blushed slightly before looking back down at his notes. "You asked, I answered. No need to sass me!" He said defensively and I quickly reached out and squeezed his hand. "Sorry, I was just having some fun. It really is a sweet thing to say! I hope one day I'll find a connection like this." I said and now it was my turn to blush. I thought I saw disappointment flash through Louis' eyes but it was gone as quickly as it came. "I'm sure you will, love." He said and looked at me with an unreadable expression.

We smiled at each other for a few seconds until I tore my eyes away from his face and nodded towards his music sheets. "How is it coming?" Louis made a face. "I'm stuck. There is this one line which just doesn't seem right and it kinda screws up the whole song." I shifted slightly on my spot on the couch and uncrossed my legs. "Can I help?" Louis threw me a glance and grinned. "You just want to know what I'm writing, don't you?" He said and put a hand over his heart. "I feel so used!"

I rolled my eyes and fell back into the cushions. "Forget it!" Louis sniggered and picked up the lyric sheet. "Okay but do not say a word to anyone." He warned me. I squeaked excitedly and clapped my hands together. "Holy moly, I didn't think this was actually going to work!" I squealed and Louis laughed. "Shush, love, you're going to miss the best part!" I fell silent instantly and pressed my fingers to my mouth.

Louis cleared his throat and looked at the paper with a concentrated expression on his face. "Right. So, we haven't got it all figured out, I'm writing with Payno on this one. I think we've got most of the chorus and the first stanza covered. I have to talk about the second stanza with Liam and our team but I think I've got that one worked out as well but I'm struggling at the bridge." He hesitated for a second and then he handed me the lyric sheet.

I took it into my hands without looking at it and kept my eyes on Louis' face. "Are you absolutely sure you want me to see this?" I asked, not wanting to push him towards something he didn't want to do. Louis nodded. "I trust you completely, I'm just nervous of what you think of it. You're the first fan to have a look and it's not perfect yet, it's still in the making and I don't want you to-" I placed a finger on his lips and smiled. "Don't worry, I'm sure it's wonderful. I'm honoured that you let me have a look at your drafts, I promise that I won't tell a soul."

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