Author's Note: Louis One Shot- Potential New Story

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Hey everyone! I'm sorry, this is not a new chap :)

I just wanted to let you know that I published a Louis One Shot, which I'm thinking of turning into a new story eventually. It's a little different to The Tommo Way but I love the idea of the story just as much as what I'm working on right now. I will definitely focuss on The Tommo Way before starting off anything new but it would mean a lot to me, if you could take a look at the One Shot. Feel free to let me know what you think/whether you are interested for more in the future.

A new chapter will be up in a couple of days, I'm working on it :)
Once again, I can't stress this enough: Thank you all so much for your support, it is so much more than what I had expected!!!

Lots of love and a beautiful afternoon to all of you,

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