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  I woke to see that I'm cuddling with Shawn. I never want to let go of him. I feel protected and safe with him. Even though it could be wrong. I see Shawn is awake and looking another way. I shift my weight that way he knows I'm awake.
  "How much longer for the flight?" I asked in my sleepy voice.
  "Not much longer, we should be landing soon."
I nodded. I haven't checked on Nash. I shift my weight to get back in my seat. I see Nash is awake and looking out the window. He must have felt uncomfortable seeing Shawn and I cuddling with each other. Except he seems perfectly fine. Something that I was not expecting. I was expecting him to be very jealous, but he wasn't. I guess he got over me?
"Till you wake up sleepy head." He joked.
"Oh shut up Nash I wouldn't be talking at all. You slept since the plane took off." I fired back.
"Ok,ok. You got me there. So I wanted to tell you something."
"Yeah sure what's up?"
"Well since I don't want things being awkward between us. I was thinking maybe we should build a sister and brother type of bond."
"I agree I think I'll be better off someone here protecting me."
At that he nodded and the plane landed. I don't know how the fans will react, I'm just hoping that I won't get hate. We all started heading towards baggage claim and I was going to grab my suitcase when a hand shot out and I turned around to see Shawn.
"I'll get that for you."
"Thanks." I responded politely.
He handed it to me. Our hands touched briefly and I felt a sparking feeling go through me. His hand went back to his side. I already missed his touch.
*skip car ride*
We arrived to the hotel and we were lucky enough that we arrived today because tomorrow it was supposed to snow and be very cold. We only had five rooms to be arranged in four different rooms. The first room was Dad and Nash, second room was Jack and Jack, the third was Shawn and this may be cliche, but turns out I'm with him. And the fourth room was Matt and Hayes. Lastly it was Carter and Aaron.
  I entered the room already being dark and set my suitcase down. I started to pull out my pajamas and went to the bathroom. I went out Shawn already lying out in the other bed. I went under the covers and everything went black.

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