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Cam's POV
I'm going to kill Shawn. He promised me he would never break her heart and the fuck did he just do. He broke her heart. I'm now more worried where Maria can be. She could have driven anywhere. I get to the house with the rest of the guys behind me. I swing the door open and I go up to Shawn and punch straight in the face.
I see Shawn was bleeding from his nose. I then see Anna my daughters ex-best friend.
"AND YOU GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!" I say as I'm pointing at her.
"I didn't mean any-" I interrupt her.
With that she leaves. I will make sure she never appears in my life and my daughters. I turn to look at Shawn again. To see he has regret in his eyes. I don't ever want him near my daughter ever again. Even though we live in the same house.
All of the sudden my phone is ringing with a incoming call. I pick it up.
O=operator C=Cam
O:Am I speaking to the parent of Maria Dallas?
C:Yes,what may I help you with?
O:I need you to know that your daughter has been in a car accident
At that instant I drop to the ground ending the call. All the guys have concern faces.
"What happened Cam?" Aaron asks.
"It's Maria....she got in a car accident..." I reply crying now.
Michelle starts to break into sobs and Nash tried to comfort her, but can't. It's too much for her to take in. She abruptly gets up from the floor and stands in front of Shawn.
"I don't ever want to see your face ever again you asshole. Also don't do near my best friend!" She then walks out the door. Nash following.
I could see Nash go through the door into the car. He then drove off. I already know where he is going...he is going to go see her.
I always knew Nash cared for her, but I didn't know he cared for her this much.
Nash's POV
I arrive at the hospital and park the car as fast as I can along with Michelle. I enter the hospital and ask where she is.
"She is on the fifth floor room 302." She responds.
I thank her and rush to the elevator. I find the room she is in. I open the door and Michelle automatically starts to break into sobbing. I see her there laying there lifeless. I go up to the bed and gently grab her hand in mine. I look at her she has a whole bunch of cuts on her. Her eyes closed.
Not being able to see her beautiful chocolate brown eyes. At that instant the doctor enters the room.
"Are you related to her in any way?" She asks me. I nod my head at her.
"Well I have good news and bad news. Good news is that she is in stable condition. Bad news is she is in a....coma." She says
When she said coma I felt as my world has fallen apart. Michelle now was gasping for air. This was too much for her to take in one day, she has just gotten her best friend back. Only to lose her again. Her not being in my life is like the world ending for me.
Cam's POV
I finally arrived at the hospital and ask for her room. We all enter the room to see Nash at her side crying his eyes out. Along with Michelle.
"What did the doctor say?" I ask.
"The doctor said she is in a stable state,but she is in a......" Nash drifted off.
"She is in a what Nash?!" I whisper yell.
"She is in a coma Cam..." he responded.
I felt as have my world has fallen apart when I heard that. I immediately drop to my knees with tears going down my face. All the rest of the guys enter the room. They see me on the floor.
"Cam...what's wrong?" Aaron whispers.
"Guys...she's in a coma..."Nash whispers crying also.
Michelle walks up to me and kneels in front of me. She doesn't care what is happening around the world, she cares for those who she loves.
"Cam...all of our worlds have fallen apart...including Shawn's...."she whispers.
I knew when she said that because at that moment Shawn has already went through the door to see what has happened....

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