Nash's Birthday

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December 28
Maria's POV
Today is Nash's birthday and I want to make a surprise party for him. Of course with the help of Michelle and the guys. Although I'm gonna need Michelle to distract him in the mean time.
"Michelle we need to talk." I tell her at breakfast.
"Alright. What are we going to talk about?" She asks her face showing concern.
"It's nothing bad." I say smiling.
Her face relaxes and we continue eating breakfast.
After breakfast
Michelle and I are in my room talking.
"Okay, today it's Nash's birthday. And I was thinking a surprise party." I tell her.
She starts jumping up and down and screaming. That's when the door opens all of the sudden. In came Shawn and Nash.
"Is everything okay?" They both ask.
Overprotective like always. "Yes everything is alright. You may leave." I respond looking at them.
"Well I won't leave until I get something back." Shawn says smirking.
"Same." Nash says stepping closer to Michelle.
Michelle and I look at each other and mumble 'guys' under our breathe. We both walk up to them and give them a peck on the lips and we push them out. Once they both left we giggled.
Later that day
Michelle and Nash have left to go to the beach. Meanwhile the guys and I start to set everything up for the surprise party. I head to the backyard.
"Is everything okay with you guys?" I ask Aaron, Johnson, and Jack, who were outside.
"We're good. I have a question though.." Jack says.
I nod my head. "Go ahead."
"Why make a whole party for Nash?" Jack asks.
I had a good reason to do this. "I did this because Nash helped me through a lot...and he is making my best friend happy." I say and leave quickly.
I go into the kitchen to see Shawn cooking for the party. I never knew he could cook something without burning the house down.
"Like the view babe." Shawn says.
That's the very first time Shawn says 'babe' to me. It kind of made my heart skip a beat.
"Yes I love the view and a lot." I say walking towards him.
"So you think I'm handsome." He comments smirking.
"I was talking about the chicken dummy. But yes I think you're handsome." I say giggling.
Shawn frowns. I peck his lips. "Hurry I don't need that chicken burnt or raw." I say walking out the kitchen.
Later that evening
Michelle texted me telling me that they are almost here. I get all the guys to turn off the lights and to hide. We all were hiding when we heard them.
"SURPRISE!!!" We all scream.
Nash looked shocked at first. Then he was all happy and jumpy.
"Oh my...thank you so much guys. Who planned all of this?" Nash says, tears in the corner of his eyes.
"Maria came up with the idea of the party." Hayes says.
Nash looks at me and walks towards me. He hugs me really tight as if it's the last one he will give me.
"You came up with all this?" He asks.
I nod my head at him. "Yeah, I just had to...a way to thank you for many different things that you have done for me." I say, almost crying.
He hugs me once again. We all head out to the backyard and party.
Michelle's POV
Nash and I were at the beach. When I notice someone that I knew before. Nash notices that I'm looking at someone and looks at where I'm looking at.
"Who are you looking at Michelle?" He asks concerned.
I couldn't speak at all. I couldn't believe who has come back.
"It's my other best friend...Illy." I say with tears at the corners of my eyes.
Nash didn't understand at first, but then remembers of what we have talked about.
"Do you wanna see her?" He asks looking in my eyes.
I look into his ocean blue eyes. I couldn't believe that I was this lucky.
"No I don't want ruin our beach walk ." I say looking at him.
He nods his head. In the past month that we have been together we never have actually kissed. We would only give each other little pecks. I notice his eyes falling on my lips. My eyes travel done by instinct. I look up to see Nash looking at me directly.
Is it going to happen? Is it going to happen right now, right here? A whole bunch of questions running through my mind at lightning speed.
He starts leaning in and I do too. His lips softly touch mine. He knew it was my first time, so he is being gentle with me.
His lips soon leave mine. He just smiles at me and I look down and blush.
"Hey, don't ever hide yourself blushing it's cute." He tells me putting a finger under my chin.
The comment only makes me blush harder. Nash and I continue our beach walk, but hand in hand.
Maria's POV
It was already night when we decided to take the cake out. Nash was happy throughout the party. Which made me happy. The cake was placed on the table. The cake was chosen by Hayes. Due to the fact they are brothers.
The cake was blue and had his name written on it with 'happy birthday'.
Nash blows out all the candles after thinking about something. I wonder what he wished for? We start cutting pieces out of the cake. We all each get a piece and some of it is leftover.
"Thanks so much again for this Maria." Nash tells me.
I didn't realize he was next to me until he spoke right now.
"It was no problem Nash. I wanted to anyway." I say looking at him.
He smiles and I smile back and then Michelle pops out of thin air. She hugs Nash. I was happy for them. I then see Shawn walk towards me.
"How is my little muffin doing?" Shawn says.
He now calls me 'little muffin'. "I'm alright muffin man." I say smiling innocently.
He just chuckles under his breathe and hugs me tight. I hug him back immediately. He puts his finger on my chin and lifts my head up. He pecks my lips. We haven't kissed since we started dating.
But we don't need only having him by my side is enough for me...
Well this the longest chapter I have ever done for this book. (Maybe even the last one lol). Anyway there may not be much of this book then 13 more chapters and that's it. Sad I know...
But anyway Happy Birthday for my dear Nash.
The author
(P.S. Do you guys want a face reveal or nah?)

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