Daddy's Girl // PP

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"Hahaha!" You and Peter laughed as you fell in the training center. "You-are the worst fighter ever." He said. "No, you are!" You say or of breath. "Your the prettiest though," he said, and gave you a quick kiss on the cheek. "Mhm," you heard Mr. Stark cough over the system. "Mr. Parker, I made it very clear when you worked for me you would keep your hands off my daughter," he said. "Sorry Daddy!" You yelled. "It's ok pumpkin. Just don't do it again." He said. "God, that was close." He said. You two got out of training to go clean up.

"Now, where was I?" Peter said as he kissed you on the cheek again. "Peter!" You laugh. He kisses you on the lips this time, and you kiss him back. "That's it!" Your Dad says and storms into the room. "Mr. Stark I'm sorry," Peter says. "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow," Peter says as your dad pulls him out of your room by his ear. "Dad! Please be carful!" You yell. "Bye Y/N!" You hear Peter yell. "Shut up," your dad says.

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