Nicotine // TH

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"Y/N, you've got to quit smoking," Tom said, as you walk out to the terrace and pull out a cigarette. "No, Tom. You don't understand. This is the only thing that makes me feel good. Besides you," Y/N smirks at Tom. He rolls his eyes.

"But please, for me." He says. "Hmm,"
Y/N says as she puffs air out and Tom coughs. "Pick." Tom said. "Me, or smoking." He says. "Come on Tom, you can't do this to me." Y/N says as she drops it in her ash tray. "Pick, or I'm gone." He says. Y/N sighs. "Your worse than nicotine," Y/N says as Tom kisses her on the forehead.

"Here," he says and takes your cigarette pack, and throws it out on the streets of London. "Happy day for a hobo there," Tom says as Y/N laughs.

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