Hoodie 1 // PP

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You slip it on with a feeling of despair, because Tom is never coming back. He left you for a hot model, obviously. You throw on the hoodie, and some yoga pants and hit the streets of London.

You arrive at Starbucks, and see the absolute worst. Tom and his new girlfriend. All you had on under the hoodie was a sports bra, so you are forced to wear it into the coffee shop. Sure, you could of gone to another Starbucks 20 minutes away, but then you were going to be late for your Yoga class. You put the hood up, and keep your head low, but the worst happens. He notices you. "Y/N?" You hear. You put on the fakers smile ever, and say "hi Tom," and blush. "I-is that mine?" He asks, his model girlfriends hand in his. "No, got it from my last ex," you lie as the Barista calls your name. You grab the cup and rush out think how awkward that was.

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