Fan Kiss // TH

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It was your first week in America. You, Tom, and Harrison are on the Spider-Man Press Tour. You had just arrived, and you guys were taking photos with the fans.

You were ok if Tom kissed the fans on the cheek, but not the lips. A while back when you first started dating, you two made that plan.

There was a fan, who was very beautiful. You thought, maybe more beautiful than you. Tom walked over to her, and kissed her cheek. She turned her head as the picture was taken, and you panicked. You walked over there, grabbed Tom, and pulled him into the limo where Haz was already waiting.

"What the hell was that?" You ask him. "I don't know! She turned her head and kissed me," Tom said. "I would never intentionally kiss a fan, you know that Y/N." Tom says. "We'll talk about this in the morning." You say as the limo came to a stop, and walked out.

"Y/N?" You hear as someone knocks on your door. It was Tom. "What?" You answer. "Let me in. Please. I love you," he says. You get up and open the door to find shirtless Tom just in pajama pants. His hair was all messy, and damn. You just wanted to run your hand through his hair. He walks into the hotel room, and sits on the couch. "Did you really have to have the whole hotel room to yourself?" He asks. "I hope sleeping with Haz was comfy." You said making yourself a pot of coffee. "Very. He snored." Tom said. "Y/N, I'm sorry. I never was planning for that to happen." He said. "Are you sure?" You asked. "Yes Y/N. I would never," he said. You kissed him, and ruffled his messy hair. "Your too damn loveable, Holland." You said as you poured yourself some coffee.

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