Teen Pregnantcies // PP

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It was true. Y/N was pregnant. She took 3 tests, all positive. You were only 17, and so was your boyfriend, Peter Parker. You had just recently found out that he's Spider-Man.

You picked up your phone and called Aunt May. "M-May?" You stutter. "Yeah honey. What's up?" She asked. "Can you come down here? I'm pregnant." Y/N says. "Oh Jesus Christ PETER!" She yells. "No, no, no don't tell him. I haven't told him yet." Y/N pleads. "When did this happen?" She asks. "A month ago. It was our 3rd year anniversary." I say, and sigh. "Aunt May what?" I hear Peter walk into the room. The sound of his voice makes my stomach flutter. "Oh, nothing. I thought I saw a spider, that's all." She said. "Oh," Peter said and went back in his room. "I'm on my way." She said.

May arrived at your door quickly, because she only lives a floor above you. She usually watched you because you only had your Dad and he lived on business and figured you could live alone fine. "So your 100% sure?" She asks. "Positive," Y/N says showing her all three tests. "God, your all so stupid," she says. "Sorry," Y/N says.

"You guys should of used protection." She said. "But without it felt better!" Y/N said. "Do not describe it, I do not need to know that," she said. "Know what?" Peter says walking into your apartment. You throw the box of sticks on the kitchen counter away from Peter. "Um, girl stuff?" Y/N says as she tries to hide it. "That's not it. Aunt May, Y/N, what's really going on here?" He asks. "Peter, sit down." Aunt May said.

"When a man and a woman are in love," she starts to say but then Peter interrupts her. "I know how that works Aunt May," he says. "What's up?" He asks.

Y/N walks to the kitchen and hands him the box. "Y/N, what's this?" He asks. Everyone stays quiet. "Your cheating on me and your pregnant!" He said and slammed them on the ground. You roll your eyes. "Peter, I'm not cheating on you. I'm pregnant with baby Parker." Y/N said as Peter fainted on the couch.

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