Drunk // TH

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"Tom, maybe you've had enough to drink," you say as he picks up another drink. "Noooo," he slurs. "Yes, Tom. We should maybe go home." You say grabbing his hand. "Noooo! I wanna stay!" He says. "Yeah Y/N! Let us stay." Harrison says. "No. You two are getting too drunk." You say and start pulling the boys out of the bar. "I'll call an uuuuuuuber," Tom says pulling out his phone. "No Tom, I will." You say. "Your a real party pooper Y/N," Harrison says. You sigh. The Uber pulls up as you start pulling the boys into the car. "Let's go paaarty!" Tom says. "No Tom. Get in the Uber," you say, but he slaps you. So hard that you fell to the ground, and heard the smack. "Duuuude," Harrison said. "You can't hit girls," he says. "Get in the car. Both of you now!" You yell as they scramble into the car.

You wake up in the middle of your bed. Your jaw hurt like hell. You went into the bathroom and noticed a huge bruise on your right cheek. You get up and find Tom asleep on the couch, and he woke up when you came into the room. "Good morning, love." He says. "Don't good morning love, me." You day with your arms crossed. "What's the matter?" He asks. "Did I do something?" He asks again, due to no response from the last answer. You turn, exposing your right cheek. "What happened?" He asked. "You hit me last night before we went into the Uber." You groan and walk to the kitchen. "Did I really? I am so so sorry Y/N. I was drunk and didn't know, really. Let me make it up to you," he says getting up and walking to the kitchen. He gets some ice from the freezer, puts it in a bag, and hands it to you. "I'm going to take care of you today," he says. "Now, go to bed, and I will bring you some tea," he says as you walk to the bedroom with your ice pack.

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