Paddy's Sitter // TH

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"Goodbye!" Nikki and Dominic say to you as they leave the house. "So it's just us Paddy. What do you want to do?" You ask. "Do you want to play soccer?" He asks. "Sure," you say. You go to the backyard and start kicking around the ball. "Goodbye!" You hear his older brother, Tom say as Harry and Sam follow him out the door.

"Tom, he really likes you," Paddy says. You laugh and blush. "He's a very nice man," you say. "No, I mean he's in love with you!" Paddy says. "Every time you babysit me he always waits until you get here to leave," he says. "Oh Paddy. Your just being silly." You say. You notice that Tom walks back into the house, probably forgot something. "Hey! Tom!" Paddy calls. "Yeah. What's up little man?" He asks. "Tell Y/N how you looove her!" He says with a cheeky smile. "I do not love Y/N," he says. "Yes you do. You told mum and-" he says but Tom puts his hand over Paddy's mouth. "Little kids. Huh?" Tom says and smiles at you. You laugh. He finally lets go of Paddy. "You love Y/N!" He yells. "Do not!" He yells back as he's leaving. "Do you like Tom?" Paddy asks. You chuckle. "A little,"

After you put Paddy to bed, you decided to wait until Nikki and Dominic got home. You put on the television and go on your phone. At around 12pm, the boys came back. Harry and Sam went to bed, but Tom came and sat next to me. "Shouldn't you be going?" He asks. "I have to wait for Nikki to come home and pay me," you say. There was a long pause. "Sorry about Paddy today." He said. "I-it's fine," you say and blush. "You know, there is some truth to what Paddy said," Tom said. You blushed even more. "Tom?" You hear Paddy say from the stairwell. "Paddy! Go back to bed. Your parents are going to kill me," you say. "Ok. But she told me she liked you toooo," Paddy said and went back to bed. "Y-you like me?" Tom asked. "Yeah," you say. He leaned over and kissed you, but a sudden clapping of hands brought you two apart. It was Paddy clapping. "Paddy!" Tom yelled as he got up and chased after him, Paddy ran right back to his bedroom. The rest of the night you and Tom cuddled on the couch watching television.

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