Tutor // PP

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"And so 14 times X is your answer," Peter says. "Thanks," you say. "Can we take a break? I've got to go to the bathroom," Peter said. "Sure. Can I borrow a piece of paper?" You ask him. "Sure," he says and walks to the bathroom. You grab his notebook and a piece of paper saying your name was on it.

Y/N L/N.

The most beautiful girl ever. I smile every time I see her. She is so smart and talented and I wish she could be mine.

You drop the note in awe. Peter liked you back. You quickly grab a piece of paper and shove it back into his backpack.

"Ready?" He asks and comes to sit back down. "S-sure," you say still in shock. "Are you alright Y/N?" Peter asks. "Um, Peter." You say. "Yeah?" He responds. "I-I like you too," you mutter. "You saw that-didn't you?" He blushes. "Yeah, but it's ok," you say. "Do you wanna get coffee after this?" He asks. "Sure," you say as he kisses you on the cheek.

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