Happy Birthday // HO

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"Goodmorning," you say groggily as you wake up. In your blurred vision is your boyfriend, Harrison, shirtless. "Mornin," he says while waking over to you. "Happy Birthday," you say and kiss him. "Hmm. Maybe more tonight?" He says and you chuckle. You put on your glasses and check your phone. There was one text from Tom.

Tom: I'm going to be here in 15 minutes

Send 15 minutes ago.

"Harrison!" You tell after him because he heft the room. "You need to be ready now. Tom is here," you say. "What?" He says. "Yea. Your going to go have a boys day today," you say. "But I waned to spent today with both of you," he said. "It's ok, go have fun!" He says as Tom walks in. "Hello?" Tom says. "Up here!" You say. "Ready Haz?" He asks. "Yep!" He says as they walk to do whatever for the next 5 hours.

His sister, Charlotte, and Jacob. We were going to have a surprise party for Harrison. "I got the cake!" Jacob said holding a 2 layer black cake. "Great! Put it in the backyard please," you said as you and Charlotte were putting up the tent in the back. Over 50 people were invited.

After everyone was done putting things up, guests started to arrive. You put on music as Harrison and Tom drove up in the driveway. "No way," Harrison said. "Y/N! You did this all yourself?" He asked. "No. Jacob and Charlotte helped me and Tom distracted you." You said as he kissed you on the cheek. "Thank you so much babe. I love you," he said as you walked off to enjoy the party.

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