Crush // PP

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"Look," your Janelle said and nudged you. "It's Peter," she says. "Well no duh." You say and shush her. He's walking by with his friend Ned as you and Janelle sit at lunch. "We should stop staring before it gets weird," you say. "Agreed," you say.

"Look, its Y/N," Ned says. "I know," Peter says and smiles. "She's with Janelle," he says. "Yeah," Peter says staring. "We should stop staring before it gets weird," Ned says. "Yeah," Peter says.

"Look, Peter's staring at you," Janelle says as you turn your head a little bit. He is. "Holy shit," you say. "Go talk to him," Janelle says. "I'll come with you," she says. You sit down at the same table as Peter and Ned. "Hey," you say and blush. "H-hi," he says.

"Come on!" You yell as Ned hides his face. "Do it!" Peter yells. "Fine, fine." He says and sighs. "I'm so sorry Janelle," he says and dances sexy around her. We all laugh. "Ok, your turn," Janelle says and asks Peter truth or dare. "Truth." He says. She smiles and looks at me. "You must answer this honestly," she says. "I'm ready," he says. "Do you like Y/N," she asks. He blushes and so does Y/N. "um, yeah," he says and moves his hair floof from his face. "Y/N?" Janelle asks. "Yeah," you say.

This sucked I'm sorry

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