Fuqboi // HO

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Disclaimer: Harrison isn't a fuckboy. Got dis idea from Hey Violets song 'Fuqboi' which I am listening to when I write this.

"Heeey, Y/N," Harrison says as you were grabbing books. He props his arm up on the locker next to you, flexing his muscle. "What is it Harrison? I have class." You moaned. "Me and my boy Tom are playing tonight. You gonna be there?" He cockily asked, nodding his head after. He was wearing his basketball jersey. "No, I told you last time. I am not interested." You hissed and walked away. He followed you. "Why don't you let me take you out. Coffee?" He asked. "Sorry. Your a classic fuckboy and I want nothing to do with you," you sigh. "A fuck boy? Really. That's what I am to you?" He yells, angrily. "Yep. Good bye Harrison." You say entering your classroom.

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