He's crazier than her // TH

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Dr. Thomas Holland was assigned to the infamous Y/N L/N. He worked at Arkham Insane Asylum, where the craziest people went. "Good morning," he said. Y/N laughed. "Would you do something for me puddin?" Y/N asked Dr. Thomas. "Anythin?" Y/N said giving him one of her infamous smiles. "Yes," he said. Little did he know he was falling in love with Y/N L/N. "I need a gun. To get me outta this damn place!" She said and pouted. "Y/N, isn't that dangerous?" He asked. "Why not paint a picture or sing a song," he suggested. "You said anything puddin. Anything for me," Y/N said as she winked at him.

Dr. Holland went home last night and debated it. He discovered his feelings for Y/N L/N too that night. It drove him crazy. The morning before work, he went to the gun store and bought 2 handguns, not one.

"Good morning," he said walking into Y/N's cell. "Did you get what I want puddin?" Y/N asked. "Yes darling. Let's get out of here," he said. They shot open the lock and killed the guys guarding it. They killed all of the Team, mostly Y/N because she was experienced. They soon got in s getaway car and drove.


"So," The General said in the government meeting. "That is the Hollander, and his girlfriend. The Infamous Smile." He said and closed the file closed. "Don't mess with him. He's crazier than her,"

A/N: I know this is Joker and Harley and DC not Marvel, but I thought this was cute

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