Quackson Fetish // TH

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Oh god, here we go.

You heard a slight moaning sound from the bedroom as you walked in the doors of your apartment. You thought you heard someone moan "Quackson," but you thought nothing of it. Maybe it was maybe Tessa hunting a bird. You started unpacking groceries, and then heard a yelling noise from the bedroom. It was Tom. You rush into the room to find Tom on the bed, pant-less, yelling: "it's up my ass! It's up my ass!" He yelled. "What's up your ass?" You yell. "M-my Quackson!" He yells. "Did you name your toys?" You ask him. "No! It's a literal Quackson! Get it out!" He yells. "No!" You yell. "The butter hurts," he cries as Harrison runs into the room. "What the hell is the matter with him?" He yells. "He's got a croissant up his ass," you say. "Oh god. Not again." Harrison says. "Again? There were other times?" You yell. "He's got a fetish," Harrison says. "Do not!" Tom yells as Harrison picks him up bridal style. "Y/N, grab a blanket and put it over his legs. We're going to the ER again." Harrison says carrying Tom down the stairs of your apartment.

"Again, Mr. Holland. Really?" The doctor asks. "You can't keep sticking Croissants up your anus," he says. "He's got a fetish," Harrison says. "I've got a fetish," Tom admits.

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