Drawing Date // TH

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"Ok, Y/N. You can open your eyes!" Tom says as he takes his hands off your eyes. He reveals, your kitchen table covered with a huge mass coloring sheet, with 4 types of sharpie packs, thin and thick, laying on your table. "Tom!" You yell turning around and hugging him. "This is amazing!" You yell in excitement. "I knew you would like it." He blushes, as he pulls out your chair. "We're going to be here for hours," you say, enjoying the smell of fresh new sharpies. "Stop smelling the sharpies. They kill your brain cells," he says. "But they smell pretty." You whine. "Oh well. Let's draw!" He says as he puts on some of his favorite music.


After countless cups of coffee and multiple Starbucks runs, you have finished it. It took a total of 8 hours, and you and Tom were exhausted. "This was so fun," you yawn as you crawl into bed. "We're going to have to frame it," Tom says. "It's so huge! Where would it go?" You ask. "On the mantel, or in the bathroom." He says. "The bathroom? It's the size of the bathroom," you say as he finishes brushing his teeth. "Then the mantel it is," he says as he wraps his arm around you and you cuddle.

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