Old Friends // PP

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It was your first week as an Avenger. You were worried as hell. You were known as Stormy Rain, known for your rain and lightning powers. "Good morning," your boss, Mr. Stark said as you were heading to training. "Good morning Mr. Stark," you said. "We have someone else who is fairly new to join you today," he says. "Oh, ok. Thanks for letting me know!" You said as he walks off. You pull your hair in a ponytail and jog to the training center.

"And you will be joined by Stormy Rain, here she is now," Mr. Stark tells a boy about my age. He turns around and you recognize that face. The face that you spent 11 summers with in your backyard. Peter Parker. "Peter?" You say. "Y/N?" He says and you run and give him a hug. Peter was your old neighbor, until he moved away. "So, you two know each other?" Mr. Stark says. "Yeah, she was my neighbor for 16 years," he says. "Well, I'm Spiderman," Peter says. "More like spiderboy," you say. "Oh, it's on." He says and webs your hand. You make water appear under his feet as he slips with you still in his grip, as you fall on top of him. He kisses you, and you remember a memory.

8th grade. Your last summer with Peter. You and Peter were on your play set in the back on two swings. He all of a sudden kisses you and turns away. You were shocked but loved it. He soon runs away back to his house. The last time you ever saw Peter Parker.

"Your gonna run back home now, aren't ya?" You say and you both laugh. "Ya, sorry bout that. I was incredibly awkward." He says. "No worries," you say and kiss him. "I didn't send you here to make out I sent you here to train," Mr. Stark says as he enters the room. "Erm, sorry," you say trying to get out of Peter's webs and you two fall back down again and laugh as Mr. Stark stands there with a disapproving face.

Tom Holland and Peter Parker ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now