Insomniac // PP

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3:28 AM
Still awake. I never sleep. I live off coffee, probably why. I text my best friend, Peter, to still see if he's awake.

Y/N: pete?
Peter: ya
Y/N: you still up?
Peter: ya
Y/N: can you come over? I can't sleep
Peter: be there in 5

Ever since you found out your best friend was Spider-Man, he always came as fast as he could to your house.

You hear a knock on your window, and open it as it makes a creaking noise. "Why is a pretty girl like you up at this hour?" Peter asks. "Because I live off Coffee. Now get in bed," you ordered him. "Yes, mother." He said and hopped into bed with you wrapping his warm arms around you. You tossled his brown messy spidey hair as you slowly drifted to sleep in his arms.

Tom Holland and Peter Parker ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now