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"Stop!" You yell as your drunk dad throws an empty beer bottle at you. You run into the bathroom and lock it as he pounds on the door. You cry as he continues to pounds and as you pull shards if broken glass out of your leg. You hear a window break and noises, and your dad being hit to the ground.

"Hello?" A boy asks, around your age you can tell. "H-hello?" You day and unlock the door. You open the door to find the Spider-Man. "H-holy shit!" You yell. "It's ok," he says and looks at your leg. "Here, lemme help," he says putting you on your kitchen counter. He pulls the shards of glass and puts them next to you on the counter. He takes paper towel and wraps them around your leg and then tapes them. "Hold on," he says and picks you up and leaves through the window he broke with his webs.

You arrive at the hospital as he brings you in as people gasp. "Somebody help!" He yells as doctors rush into help you. "Thank you," you yell as they take you away and Spiderman fades in your vision.

Tom Holland and Peter Parker ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now