The Beginning of the End: Part 1

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*A/N: Hi guys, I might not be able to update that much this week since I have exams :’( but the week after next week are my holidays so I can get lots done during then. This is a flashback chapter to show what happened way before the Doctor and Martha came. I hope this clears some things up for you. Please comment and tell me what you think, and tell me if I’m portraying the characters correctly! <3*

Tony’s POV

I woke up with a start, breathing rapidly, with Thor standing next to me. “What just happened?”

“You lost consciousness falling through the portal. It seems blowing up one of their larger vessels only angered the Chitauri and their forces multiplied. They have taken Rogers, and Banner ran off once he’d saved you.”

“Saved me?”

“Yes, you were falling form an unimaginable height and shown no sign of slowing down.” He started swinging his hammer around, ready to take off. “I’m going back to Asgard for help. I shall return soon, take care, Stark.”

“Yeah, later.” He flew off and I lay where I was, still in shock of what happened, trying to regulate my breathing.

After a while, Chitauri started closing in on me. As I was on the ground, my armour and repulsors were clumsy compared to the herd of soldiers with their hand-held weapons. I decided not to fight back as soon as they’d kept me long enough for me to realise that they weren’t going to kill me. They were taking me somewhere and I knew they would take me straight to Rogers and the rest of the gang, so I didn’t fight back.

We stopped at the Stark Tower. It pained me to see my newly finished building in such a state, the letters were falling off and lots of the glass was shattered. We entered as some loose rubble fell down from above.

We got to the top floor and, sure enough, Steve and Natasha were there, although they seemed distant. The Chitauri managed to take off my armour, they tied me up and left. “What happened, I thought you were closing the portal?!” My attention was now directed to Natasha, I noticed the cloudiness in her eyes. She didn’t reply. She just stared at me. Something was off here. "Steve, what happened to you? Did you see where Bruce went? Where’s Barton?” He looked at me with the same expression as Natasha did; bitter, with a cold stare. I noticed that their hands weren’t bound like mine were. I stared back at them with confusion just before Loki walked in. It didn’t seem too long ago when he and I were both in this room and I had threatened him. How long ago was that, an hour? More? It didn't matter now anyway.

He burst through the doors, power in his stride. A large grin appeared on his face at the sight of me (I however did not return the favour). He had more power than any other being on this planet for now and he was going to make sure no one forgot it; he was going to make my life a misery.

“Ah, I was wondering when you’d stop by.” He walked straight over to one of the cabinets and poured himself a drink, just as I normally would. This tower was his now, he could do as he pleased. “How are you? The Chitauri didn’t treat you too harshly did they?” His sarcastic tone was unbearable yet I couldn’t stop him, and he knew that, so he continued. I decided to play him at his own game. “Not too bad, could have a little better hospitality though.” He chuckled lightly at my response.

“Mmm, nothing I can do about that I’m afraid, hospitality is not in their nature.”

“What, and it's in yours?”

“I know I’ve not given Earth the best of welcomes, but this was necessary, you’ll all understand after a while. You’ll realise that all you’ve ever wanted in life was to be ruled by a greater power than yourselves. You were made to be ruled-” I interrupted him swiftly, unable to listen to anymore.

“Yeah, yeah, you’re the great and powerful leader, bla bla world domination, we get it, haven’t you said this little speech before?” His smile had faded slightly since I’d cut him off but hadn’t gone completely. “Ah, you were listening?”

“No, but I can guess that’s what you were talking about.”

“That doesn’t make it any less true.” He walked over to Steve and Natasha and put his hands on their shoulders. “What have you done to them?!” I demanded, as I dropped my laid-back tone. My frustration pleased him.

“Captain, tell Mr Stark over there how happy you are now that you have a leader.”

My suspicions had been proven right. He’d used his sceptre to take over them, just like he did with Barton, Selvig and some other S.H.I.E.L.D. officers. Steve’s expression didn’t change while he spoke.

“It’s amazing. I have something to live for now, someone to tell me what I should do with my life. I have meaning. Loki’s right, humans want to be lead, without a sense of direction, we are lost, now that I have one, I know what I’m doing. Loki will take us out of the maze and show us where to go.” His words were sickening.

Loki was satisfied with Steve’s words. He walked over to me, now only a few paces away. “You see, life isn’t scary when someone is there telling you what to do.” I felt a strange feeling just then. He was inside my head. The bastard was inside my head and an image of a plane appeared. Pepper’s plane. I continued to stare at him while his smirk grew larger by my reaction. “If I can’t take over your mind with my powers, then I must do it some other way.” I remembered when he poked me with his sceptre and nothing happened. I couldn’t imagine anything bad happening to Pepper, especially because of me. Whatever he wanted me to do, I had to do it. “Now, are you going to co-operate or shall I have to crash that plane?”

This was when I began to truly understand the extent of Loki’s evil.

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