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3rd Person POV

“…Foolish mortal…” Loki grinned as Martha’s eyes turned an odd bluish colour. He had control over her fully now. No tricks. No lies. This time it was for real.

He had recovered from his drunken reality to his normal, intimidating self. He had said one too many things that he’d wished he hadn’t to the mortal, and felt a wave of embarrassment and regret engulfed him when he recollected the pillow fight incident. Now, however, she was his to control and he could get his revenge in whichever way that he pleased.

“Now, Miss Jones,” he started with a deep voice, “are we going ti have any more problems?” He let out a hoarse chuckle as she shook her head, almost robotically. “Excellent…” he began to give her her instructions as she listened with her utmost attention.

. . .

Bruce and the Doctor ran around the fifth floor in a desperate attempt to find Martha. As they turned a corner, they ran into Clint Barton who was dragging what looked like a mentally unstable Natasha Romonov.

“Oh hey, Bruce,” he panted and nodded to the Doctor. “Who’s this guy?” He said inspecting him.

“His name is the Doctor, there’s no time to explain who he is, is she okay?” Bruce said pointing to Natasha who was looking around herself, groping the air around her.

“She’ll be fine, she just needs some time to recover, what are you guys doing here?”

“We’re looking for somebody, I don’t suppose you’ve seen a girl walking about this floor have you?” Bruce asked patiently.

“Nope, can’t say so, though I saw this guy walking about by himself a while ago.” Clint stated. Bruce and the Doctor exchanged confused glances.

“He’s been with me the whole time.” Bruce said in response while the Doctor nodded, both of them still with the bewildered expression on their faces.

“We’ll maybe it was someone else, I dunno, it sure did look like you though, same hair and everything.” His voice got quieter nearer the end and neither of the three talked as they pondered on what Clint could have witnessed. Their thoughts were interrupted when Clint pointed down the hall.

“Hey, look! Is that the girl you’re talking about?” Both Bruce’s and the Doctor’s heads turned around rapidly and sure enough Martha was standing there. The three Avengers stood as the Doctor ram=n toe=wards her and instantly embraced her.

“Martha, are you alright? Did he hurt you?!” He said alarmingly, still hugging her. With her response he realised that she hadn’t hugged him back.

“I’m fine.” She said plainly.

“Fine? Is that it? What happened?”

“I’d rather not talk about it, can we just get back to base, I’m not feeling too good.” She said rather spitefully. By this time the Doctor was staring at her intently, he hadn’t asked her any more questions as he realised something was wrong. This only agitated and angered the Doctor. If Loki had done something to her, he’d never let him forget it.

“Okay then, we’ll talk about it back at Tony’s? He asked warily, eyeing her closely.

“Yeah sure, so are we going to Tony’s then?” She asked, perking up a little.

“As soon as he appears with Thor.” The Doctor replied.

The Doctor, Bruce and Clint conversed while Natasha muttered broken chunks of Russian and Martha stood quietly, observing.

A few minutes later, Tony and Thor sprang out from the elevator. The Doctor held an amused expression as he thought about how awkward that ride would have been.

“We can’t find Loki,” Thor ran towards the group and addressed them seriously, “He managed to get away from us during our fight. He’s probably planning some new scheme and I have been discussing it with Stark and we think it best to return to his home until we come up with a new plan. It is not safe to stay here with all of his soldiers crawling about.” The whole group nodded in agreement (except Natasha of course). Thor now turned to Martha. “My lady, it is good to see you unharmed!” He chirped with a large smile on his face, genuinely pleased to see her, “I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced, I am Thor, god of thunder, son of Odin and brother of Loki.”

“Hello,” she replied shaking his hand, “so what must you be like if you have Loki for a brother?” She joked and everyone chuckled lightly. Good, she thought, they seem to be buying it.

“Well, Loki is adopted, and I can assure you that I will not take over your planet, I am here to save it and to put a stop to his madness.” He replied, his smile still on his face.

“So we’re going back to base? To Tony’s I mean?” Martha said, seemingly turning back to the matter at hand.

“Yes.” Tony spoke. He had been observing Martha since he came out from the elevator and noticed that something was not quite right with her. “Let’s go just now, before anyone comes and finds us and takes us captive.” As he said this, everyone turned and headed for the stairwell to exit the building. Martha straggled behind so as she could memorise that walk. Tony noticed her reluctance and went over to her.  “You and I are going to have a word when we get back to the house. A private word.” He said so seriously that even though Martha was being controlled by Loki, she still felt very uncomfortable and was really not looking forward to their talk. What was he going to say? Did he know? She was even more anxious as Tony only said it that she and she alone heard it.

(*A/N: So that’s all I have for an update just now, I’m really sorry it’s been a while, I’ve been practising constantly for our school summer show, I’m not even exaggerating when I say that it took up the whole of my life for a while. I don’t regret it to say the least, it was great fun, but I still should have updated something and for that I apologise. My summer holidays start at the end of next week though so that means loads and loads of updates! I’m really enjoying writing this part of the book, it’s really fun. I’m leaving that other idea I had for a story though, I’m going to use it for a short story for an English assessment. Oh well lots of stuff happening, what do you think Loki’s plan is? What is ‘possessed’ Martha going to do? And what is Tony going to talk to her about? Ooooh please vote and comment below what you think because we’ve seemed to gain a few more readers recently and we’ve hit over 700 reads!!! Wow never thought it would get that far! Thanks for all of you who are reading, commenting and voting, it’s really awesome of you! <3 This has not been proofread.*)

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