Panic Attacks and Inspirational Words

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Martha’s POV

On the way down in the escalator, I had a few moments to talk with the Doctor and Tony. “I don’t want to do this anymore.” I sighed. The events of my conversation with the current ruler of Earth had been too stressful. It had all caught up on me. This water was too deep for me to tread in and I was drowning. Drowning in my own fear of what might become of me if Loki ever finds out. The pressure of keeping up this charade pulling me down even further into the murky depths of this foreign ocean.

“What? Of course you can, you’ve done great already. I know it looks bad, but I doubt that you’ll be seeing much of Loki after your talk.” Tony wasn’t thinking about me. He was thinking about the rest of his world. Why should my needs come before seven billion other people’s?

“No, I…I haven’t…he knows…he’s gonna…” I couldn’t even finish the sentence. I didn’t want to. “…Doctor…” I whimpered helplessly. I was so alone in my situation and the fact that I wasn’t going to see a familiar, friendly face for who knows how long was agony.

“Now it’s alright Martha, just calm down, you’re okay, I promise I won’t let him lay a finger on you.” These words were slightly more comforting than I thought they would be. If I had nothing else in this wasteland, I had the Doctor’s word. However it still wasn’t enough to bring me back to shore.

“I’m sorry I don’t know what’s came over me I-” I choked, still feeling as hopeless as ever.

“That’s fear Martha, pure, genuine fear. Now, it’s a hard state to get out of but you’re going to need to pull yourself together when that door opens.” The Doctor had a point. I was only a few floors away.

“…I can’t…”

“You don’t have a choice.” Tony must have been getting tired of my uncooperative state but his tone was surprisingly soft and his next remark dumbfounded me. “I know it’s hard to face your fears, and it’s even harder to accept them, trust me, but people’s lives are at stake, and you’re a fighter and I know you’ll pull through, so just take the time you have left to stand back and look at the situation and do what you think is right.” There was a long pause after that. He had spoken with so much passion and experience, and I began to remember everything he’s been through. How many situations he’s told me about that were worse than this and he’s managed to come back fighting every time. “Now I speak with experience when I say if being brave was easy, everyone would be it, and there wouldn’t be any point in it. For there to be courage there must also be fear just as for good there must also be bad. You need to decide what route you’re gonna take, the easy one or the hard one. Real heroism is facing your worst nightmares through to the end, facing hardships and taking the tough way out. Sure it’s easy to run and hide and cower. It’s easy to stand in the crowd when the big guy’s picking on the little guy. Real heroes are the people who maybe are afraid to act, but act anyway because it’s the right thing to do. That’s what we’re here for.”

I didn’t want to disappoint Tony after all he’d tried to do for me in his speech. He’d opened himself up and it wouldn’t be the best thing on my part if it looked as though I’d ignored him. I took deep and slow breaths and thought about what was at stake, like he told me to do. I also thought about all the good times I’d had with the Doctor and how we should be back to normal soon enough if I managed to get through this. I had all the relaxation and motivation I needed to bring myself back to normality.

“Thank you, Tony.” I told him sincerely. The doors opened and I stepped out with pride for the side I was on, and what inspirations I was fighting for.

. . .

Third Person POV

“You’re welcome.” Tony breathed and turned away from his computer.

“Are you alright?” The Doctor asked. There was a hard look of concern and sympathy on his face as he stared at Tony.

“Yeah I’m fine.” Tony replied nonchalantly as he returned to his cheery, care-free self, although the Doctor continued staring at him that way as he could see past his built-in façade. He decided to leave him be but was going to keep a close eye on Tony.

The Doctor sat down at Tony’s computer and started talking to Martha. “Now, you do everything the Captain tells you to okay? Do not break you’re cover.”

“What if I have to kill someone?” This statement hit the Doctor hard, so much that his mouth went dry. He waited a while to answer as he himself didn’t know exactly what to say.

“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.” He managed. “How are you able to talk to me just now anyway?”

“No one’s here just now. Oh wait, the doors are opening, gotta go, bye.”


. . .

“Isn’t there another way we could do this, I mean she’s scared to death.” The Doctor pleaded to Tony. He’d been affected dearly after Martha’s scene earlier on. He sat on Tony’s sofa with a cup of coffee in his hand. It was late, but neither of them were tired as the Doctor didn’t need to sleep much and Tony couldn’t.

“No, we can’t compromise the mission; she is the best way at getting information about the enemy and at Loki.” Tony replied simply.

“Yes, but Martha is not a mission or a weapon she is a human being-” The Doctor started to raise his voice but was cut off by Tony.

“Who is fighting for the cause of seven billion other human beings! She’ll be fine! If she’s in danger I’ll get her out but I am NOT going to take her out of there when she is doing perfectly fine. Her mission has barely even started.”

The Doctor could have argued all night but he thought it would be best to leave it there for a night. Tony had made it quite clear that this topic was not up for discussion.

“Well what do we do now?”

“We wait.”

Made To Be Ruled-{A Doctor Who/Avengers FanFiction}Where stories live. Discover now