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Martha’s POV

When I woke up again I was back in the TARDIS with the Doctor. I wondered if the whole thing had been a horrible dream. My suspicions were proven wrong, however when the familiar stabbing sensation reappeared in my brain. I could see the dust and dirt on both of our clothes, so I further deduced that I couldn’t have passed out for long. The Doctor looked up from the TARDIS console and smiled reassuringly to me.

“It’s all over now.” He said softly.

“But Loki?”

“It’s done. We’re going to meet the Avengers back at Central Park for a goodbye before we leave.”

I almost protested but I stopped myself. As much as I complained, it was an interesting adventure, and I had met some very fascinating characters. Still, I knew we couldn’t stay here. This was not my Earth. It was the Avengers’ Earth. And they were its mightiest heroes. And I guess in a way, the Doctor was my Earth’s mightiest hero. He was my hero.

* * *

“So what about Loki?” I asked after we’d all talked about talked about the whole experience about ten times.

“We have people searching, but I doubt we’ll ever find him. He’s dead.” Steve practically spat. I looked over to Thor who was staring at the ground sorrowfully.

“I’m sorry for your loss.” I said to him.

“Even in his madness, I still feel responsible. I know he would have ended up like this one way or another but I feel like he blames me and my father.”

“I could see inside his mind Thor, he still has love in there for you. His madness is Thanos’ doing. He poisoned his mind and it is him who should answer for Loki’s death, not you.” I said back to him, hoping to cheer him up slightly. Thor and I seemed to be the only one’s sad about Loki’s passing, I did feel bad for him in the end. He did do so many bad things, but seeing into his twisted mind, I did understand him, and I can’t help but remember the drunken mess he was that night, watching the Lion King and hitting me with pillows. He was an odd character and I felt like saluting him back.

“Well,” exclaimed the Doctor, “it’s been an experience.”

“Yeah,” Tony chuckled, “you could say that.”

I went and hugged all of the Avengers, even with their initial wariness of me we became good friends and I was sad to leave them. We had all talked for a bit before but now the conversation was becoming dry and I could tell it was time to leave.

“You’re both welcome back here any time you like.” Said Steve with a smile.

“That’ll be difficult Captain, but I’ll remember.” Said the Doctor unlocking the TARDIS door.

I took one last look out at them and their broken world. I thought that it would take a long time to fix the damage Loki had done. We gave them one last wave and took off in the TARDIS. I’ll never forget the image of them all standing in a line beaten and worn, but still waving and smiling.

After a few minutes of flying I was curious and had many questions but I didn’t want to bug the Doctor about it so I only asked him one: “So, when Loki died, did our mental link break?”

He looked at me with a rather confused expression. As if he was expecting another question. “Er yeah, it should have. You felt a burning in your head didn’t you? That must have been it breaking.” I nodded and walked around the TARDIS. After I looked away from him I heard an awful maniacal laugh. It sounded just like…. But it couldn’t be, how did he get in?

I looked up at the Doctor once more with fright. “Did you hear that?”

“Hear what?” He asked, not looking up from the console.

Fool,” I heard, “Of course he can’t hear it.”

“Hear what, Martha?” He asked again, looking up this time.

A groan of exasperation escaped me as I realised.

“Oh no.” The Doctor’s face had dropped.

“Oh yes.” I heard, followed by that spine-chilling, deafening laugh.


*A/N: Well that’s it, done. Or is it? What did you think of the ending? Are you excited for more eventually one day? Also, if anyone has any suggestions on how to make this story better please suggest because I will be editing it completely and changing A LOT, the plot will stay pretty much the same but I’m going to make lots of changes. The biggest one being that I’m going to change the Doctor’s companion from Martha to one of my own creations since I find it difficult to write Martha. This may also mean that I might do some short stories/imagines with this new companion so you can get to know him/her better (it will most likely be female). I also have some ideas for some Sherlock imagines, since it’s my favourite show. I daresay that it has replaced Doctor Who and claimed the top spot. This isn’t to say I don’t like Doctor Who, I still love it and it holds a special place in my heart. Hopefully I’ll be uploading a lot more content since I enjoy writing, but I won’t upload anything big until I’ve written the whole thing and edited it. This is to stop me from getting severe writers block and abandon you guys for 7 months (again so sorry about that). Thank you so much to all those who have read this story, I’ve no idea why. I love you all. I’ll keep you posted on upcoming works. Thank you. (Ironically this hasn’t been proofread yet).*

Made To Be Ruled-{A Doctor Who/Avengers FanFiction}Where stories live. Discover now