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Dedicated to vally9437, thank you so much for voting! Hope you enjoy this chapter.

Martha’s POV

It had been a day since I’d woken up. I felt ridiculous for the way I was, usually I’m really strong, emotionally. I think maybe because Loki had seriously messed my brain up, that was how I was so emotionally unstable. I’d apologised to Tony on several occasions throughout the day, he assured me it was alright but I could tell he didn’t want the rest of his gang to know what happened. I also apologised to the Doctor – just once –and he told me to stop being silly, and that there was nothing to apologise for. I, however, beg to differ. If I walked into my room to see my friend and they started screaming their head off at me, I wouldn’t exactly be pleased.

It was all explained to me by the group once I’d come to my senses that we were in a doctor’s surgery, since I’d blown up our previous hideout (again more unnecessary apologising from my part). I was introduced to everyone that I hadn’t already met properly, and who hadn’t met me; so that was basically everyone but Tony. Thor was the first one to extend his hand. He had a large, warm smile, which made me genuinely smile back. I had seen him at the top of the Tower when they were all confronting Loki but that was really it. I put out my hand to shake his but he caught me by surprise and took it up to his mouth and kissed it which made me laugh sheepishly – an awfully embarrassing moment to say the least. Swiftly moving on, next in line was the Captain who I knew him as, but as he was no longer working for Loki and was approachable, I was to call him Steve. He also had a smile but it wasn’t as bold as Thor’s. He nodded his head to me and even though he scared me a bit on our first meeting, I thought that he seemed very kind and gentle. He and Natasha were also going through the same things that I was going through. Even though we seemed fine, we were supposed to be getting headaches, nausea, lack of appetite, dizziness and distorted balance, fatigue, even fever. Just all the symptoms of being ill apparently, according to Clint who happened to be next. Then Bruce or the Hulk, I remember watching the Hulk film when I was a little girl and never thought for one second that I’d meet him or his alternate calmer persona anyway. Lastly was Natasha, who I had doubts about but we talked a lot later on in the day. It must have been because we were going through the same stuff, that and we were the only females. Don’t get me wrong, she wasn’t the sort of person to engage in the usual female gossip nonsense, which I liked. She worked with a lot of arrogant men who save the world sometimes so she had to be smart, witty, and confident. We got along very well.

I sat back and thought a lot since everyone was trying to figure out a way to stop Loki. I wasn’t of much use here and I didn’t really have a lot of good ideas to contribute so I let my mind drift. I thought of Loki and how misjudged he might have been, how vulnerable he was when he had been shot with the arrow, how hilarious he was when he was drunk. But then I soon remembered that it was all a ruse. Just when I thought I could give him a chance he went on and did what he did. I still feel hugely ashamed of it. I tried to think of something else as quickly as possible. I started day-dreaming about everything that was happening, about every possible outcome this could have and everything that could go wrong. I must have fallen asleep (since one of the symptoms I was suffering from was fatigue) because the next thing I remembered was having this strange, eerily realistic dream.

I was in some forest, frantically searching for a path, a trail, a way out, or even somebody to show me the way. I shouted and shouted but nobody would come to my aid. I was so scared and alone. The trees loomed over me and the sky was getting darker and darker – even though I was outside, it felt very claustraphobic. Strange sounds came from deep within the forest, like wolves’ howls and footsteps. I ran and ran and soon came upon the trail back. As I got to the edge of the forest there were four others standing there, all fairly young, fourteen maybe? And I had it in my head that I was young too, between ten and twelve possibly? Three boys and one female stood there at the edge, snickering amongst themselves. It became apparent to me that these four people were the reason I was lost. Like false memories and information you have in dreams I ‘recognised’ them instantly, and the anger grew deep inside me, an anger I personally have never felt but yet it seemed so familiar. They were in charge of looking after me, they were to guide me through this god-forsaken wood and they abandoned me for their own amusement. I would not tolerate it. I cannot remember exactly what happened but I know that I was about to hurt them, gravely, but some adult, an authority figure, stopped me before I could touch them and took us back to civilisation. The fools, I will get my revenge someday, I thought before I was woken up.

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