Medical Attention

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Martha’s POV

I am being manipulated by Loki, well not me exactly. I’m standing, invisible and immobile and only Loki can see the real me, at one side of the room, watching the events play out. The other version of me, which everyone else can see, is under Loki’s spell. Loki tells her to shoot the Doctor then looks directly at me with a hellishly evil grin. The other Martha then shoots at will. Multiple bullets blast through the Doctor’s chest and I can’t do anything but watch. This spurs on the Doctor’s regeneration process and a glimmer of hope waves through me as I start to see the gold glow on his skin. But that hope is shattered when the other me shoots him right between the eyes and he falls right to the ground. He isn’t writhing like before anymore, instead he is lying in a deathly still heap on the floor. Loki lets go his grip on the other me and suddenly I am back in control. The shear horror on Thor’s and Tony’s face and the choked sob that escapes my mouth caused an amused smirk to crawl it’s way on Loki’s face. I then remember that I have the gun in my hand and raise it up to Loki’s head. I watched his amused expression turn to fear and shock. Thor reached forward to stop me and BANG…that’s when I woke up.

I was covered in my own sweat and tears. I took deep breaths and reminded myself that what I had just dreamt was not what actually happened.  I sat up and decided to stay awake until it was time to get up, because I might have another nightmare before the sun shines. I decided to stop supressing the memories and go through them in my head so that I could come to terms with what happened:

After Thor, Tony and the Doctor left, all of Loki’s little tin soldiers shot out the window frantically in attempt to catch whoever shot the arrow, without success. I stood there just watching everything going around me, just so confused and shocked when I noticed Loki. He looked like he was in a lot of pain. He tried to drag himself away from the chaos, clawing at the arrow as he did so. I watched him wince and flinch at every subtle movement and just sat there. He looked up and saw me and signalled me to come over. I just sat there staring at him. He got frustrated and I could barely hear him shout “Get over here and help me you insolent child!” I continued to sit there, for reasons unknown to me, and Loki looked back confused and frustrated and confused. Then I remembered Tony’s words to me “Do everything he tells you to. Everything. He needs to think he’s in control. He needs to think he’s winning, so that we’ll have the upper hand.” So I got up and calmly and walked over to him.

This was the first time I’d ever saw Loki vulnerable. The thought occurred to me that I could just kill him in this condition, it’d be so easy, but then I really thought about it and the cons heavily outweighed the pros: I’m surrounded by his henchmen who are in peak human condition and armed with guns; I would have to escape the tower and travel who knows how long to get back to the Doctor; this is Thor’s brother, and I don’t think he’ll be too happy to find out that I have killed him, no matter how many bad things he’s done; Loki is an alien and I don’t know if what I’m about to do will actually kill him, so if he doesn’t die, then he’ll know he’s not in control and kill me or worse; and finally it’s morally wrong and I’m sure the Doctor would be disappointed in me and I’ve already shot him so I don’t think I want to give him anymore reasons to hate me.

“You were in medical school were you not?” Loki’s questioning interrupted my thoughts, “you know how to tend to wounds yes?” He looked at me with a hint of helplessness which made me smile inside. “Yes, yes, are you in much pain?” I turned into doctor mode, and scanned the room for medical equipment. “No, not really.” Loki so obviously lied; he’d been stabbed by an arrow!

“Well can you sit up for me please? And do you have any medical equipment close by, you know bandages, a needle, disinfectant, stuff like that?”

Made To Be Ruled-{A Doctor Who/Avengers FanFiction}Where stories live. Discover now