A Dangerous Plan

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*Thanks to everyone who’s been reading, commenting and voting. It means a lot <3*

Martha’s POV

Tony breathed in sharply after he’d finished telling us his story. The Doctor was still staring at him with extreme concentration, like he had been the whole way through the story. “What happened then?” His voice was calm and understanding. Tony had his head in his hands, not wanting to remember. He took in a deep breath. “I had to work for him, doing things he asked me to. I’m not going to go into detail about it, but I did awful things, it made me sick, it still does, knowing that what I did wasn’t like when Rogers does it, I was fully aware of what I was doing, and what I did still goes on, that’s the worst part.” His voice trembled slightly as I tried to imagine what Loki put him up to. “Hey don’t say that, he was blackmailing you, and if he wasn’t, there would be no way that you would have done whatever you did. Ever.” I tried to reassure him. “Yeah, but at least Rogers won’t remember vividly if he’s ever released from Loki’s control. Like that’s ever going to happen.”

“Surely there’s a way we can get in and stop him.” I asked. How bad could this guy be?

“Good luck!” Tony scoffed, “You think if he could have been stopped, someone would have even tried by now? If the Earth’s ‘mightiest heroes’ can’t stop him them who can?!”

I turned to the Doctor. “Him.”

“Him?! One guy, one mad man with a box?! He can defeat a God who managed to enslave humanity in less than a week, how?”

“Because I’m the Doctor and it’s what I do for a living.” The Doctor replied arrogantly.

. . .

“Ow.” A shooting pain had been blinking through my head for the past half hour now. I’ve also started feeling nauseous and been having dizzy spells. I didn’t want to tell the Doctor-or Tony. I didn’t want to worry them but the both of them eventually caught on.

“Are you alright Martha? What’s wrong?” The Doctor had a concerned expression spread across his face while Tony was busy doing something else.

“It’s nothing, I’m just a bit dizzy and I keep getting this shooting pain through my head.”

“What?” Tony suddenly seemed interested; he moved swiftly over to me and inspected me. He then ran into another room to get something while asking me questions about my state. He came back with a strange piece of tech; he flashed it in my eye, blinding me for a second. I saw him stare at it, frustrated, then he cursed under his breath when a reading showed up in the screen. “She’ll lead them all here!” He uttered and ran away again.

“What is it? What’s going on?” I asked panicked, wondering what a little headache could be so bad about. “They’re tracking you. Right now. Every shooting pain is a beacon that they’re following. Who knows how much time you have.” What was he talking about? Who was tracking me?

“What?! I checked for tracking devices and nothing came up, what are you talking about?” The Doctor spoke up. “Yeah well obviously your ‘magic wand’ didn’t check for parasitic signals.” Tony replied bluntly. The Doctor changed some settings on his sonic screwdriver and scanned me again. His face suddenly became panicked. “Well what do we do?”

“We throw her out. Let them take her.” I was about to rip his face off but the Doctor beat me to it. His eyebrows lowered and his face contorted in anger. “We are NOT throwing her out there. We should be able to figure something out, isn’t there a way we can get rid of it?!” His fury decreased as his mind set to a way to get rid of whatever thing was inside me, giving my position away.

Made To Be Ruled-{A Doctor Who/Avengers FanFiction}Where stories live. Discover now