Just a quicky

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So some of you may be thinking: I thought this chick hated twilight, because she killed off all the twilight characters in "Hello Lucifer", which was my supernatural and twilight crossover book. I don't hate twilight, but I don't love it.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that one of my best friends loves twilight and asked me to do a story for her, Coz she's unable to get it on her device.
Said friend, who's name I shall not reveal has given me an outline of the basic plot, but you will notice that I've written it like the character is like my own.
It's kinda weird, because I've never done this before and so it may be a bit cringe, but hey, that's me.

This story will be split into two books. The first one is called 'Lost.' That's this one, and it's based when Elizabeth is young about 15. So all the events will eventually be cleared up in the second book which will be called 'Found.'
Okay now you all are thinking "Just tell us the fucking ship. Geez this chick just goes off subject a lot"    For some weird reason, my friend is into older guys and she likes Carlisle.

So that's all I'll say for now, and I hope you all enjoy this book.

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